Which of these are you?

Which of these are you?

You are an explorer. We all are. You might travel far by car, train, plane, or boat or while snuggled on your sofa immersed in a good book or movie. You explore fashion trends, new foods, and different musical styles. You explore relationships, careers, health and...
Your Pathway to Freedom

Your Pathway to Freedom

How often have you dreamed of a better, more enjoyable, and fulfilling life? How often have you told yourself it’s a nice dream, but it’s just not possible — at least not for you? You’ve resigned yourself to believe the life you have is as good as it...
Unwrapping Joy

Unwrapping Joy

This past weekend, I attended Santa Day. The town where I’m staying was abuzz with activities. Shops were having holiday sales. Community groups were handing popcorn, hot chocolate, and cookies to passersby. And there were plenty of free activities such as hay...