What is it you’re waiting for? More money? The right person? Perfect timing? Your ideal weight? Your dream job? Retirement? Your kids to move out? (Guess what? They come back.)

How much of your life have you spent waiting for these things and more?

How much time do you have left?

The truth is, none of us know our expiry date nor how many “good” years we have left.

My mother got Alzheimer’s Disease in her early 70’s. We watched helplessly as the woman we knew disappeared long before she physically left us. Not many years after his retirement, my on-the-go dad began to lose his mobility.

I’ve seen firsthand that no matter how you plan for a dream future, it may not unfold as you desire.

The past is gone. The future is unknown. All you have is NOW.

My parents taught me many things. One of which was to see the world. They enjoyed traveling, and I’m thankful they had the opportunity to have some incredible experiences together before that was no longer possible.

Another message they tried to instill (and was more difficult to receive) was to take chances. For instance, if you’re offered a new job, it’s because someone sees something in you you can’t see for yourself.

I’ve always believed in not only learning from my own life but learning from the examples of others. Watching how my parents’ lives unfolded is partly why I’m so passionate about not waiting for the life you wish but creating it NOW. Yet, it took me years to really get this. Because I kept waiting.

I waited 35 years before I first traveled to Europe because I was waiting for the perfect time and the right person (neither seemingly ever lined up).

Mostly, I was afraid to go alone…until never going felt scarier. Now I’ve been traveling solo for 2 1/2 years, have LOVED every moment, and look back and wonder why I didn’t do it at 19 when I first wanted to.

It was like I was waiting for permission to live my heart’s desire.

Whose permission was I waiting for?

Turns out, my own.

We spend much of our lives waiting for too many things.

Waiting to be heartfully happy shouldn’t be one of them.

I often say it’s never too late, but that’s not entirely true, is it? The longer you wait, the more you gamble your chances.

What IS true is it’s never too late to enjoy the life you have NOW.

A single heart-led Yes will expand you in ways that holding back never can.

Every Yes to your heart allows you to fully live the life you’ve been given…and that truly is a gift.

I invite you to join me in Italy from May 15 to 25, 2024 as you rekindle your desires, release what no longer serves you, and have lots of fun along the way. I’ll share my love of travel and help you expand even further into who you’re meant to be so you can give yourself permission to be all you really are.

I see who you can be. Do you?

If your heart is saying Yes, don’t wait. We leave soon.

There are only 6 places on offer. Deadline for deposit is March 25th.

Get all the details HERE or click the image below.