What’s your greatest wish for your dearest loved one?
To see them happy, healthy, thriving, loving their life, and living their highest purpose?

Is that your greatest wish for you, too?

Have you achieved it? To your grandest vision?

Is there any part of you that wants more, but you’re holding yourself back? Too afraid to go after it? Convinced it’s not possible?

What if you DID go after it and got it? How would that feel?

What if it WAS possible, and it came to be?

Tune into the little girl or little boy within you. Look deeply into their eyes. Knowing where you are today, say, “I did the best I could.”

Can you say that honestly, wholeheartedly, and without any part of you knowing you could have done more? Or have you held yourself back, too afraid to go for it — all of it?

Your greatest wish for your dearest loved one is the same wish your Soul has for you. And your Soul KNOWS you’re capable of achieving it. But the little girl or little boy within you is scared. You’ve learned to play small to protect your inner child.

Your inner child wants what you want. They need you to be their guide. To help them overcome their fears. They WANT to feel fully joyful. To realize their highest hopes. They WANT to feel FREE!

That’s why you want it too.

It’s easier to wish more for others than we want for ourselves. We’re more capable of seeing them create it. We believe they can do it and wonder why they’re not. So, look at it from the perspective of your inner child who believes in you. Feel their longing (because it’s your longing). Feel their pain (because it’s your pain).

Now look through the eyes of your Soul, who sees you as the whole, perfect, perfectly lovable human (child and adult) you are. See, from their perspective, how they KNOW you can create whatever you want. (After all, perfection has no flaws.)

Come into your heart and FEEL your wholeness; you, your inner child, and your Soul.

Now FEEL how complete, peaceful, calm, joyful, content, happy, whole, satisfied, satiated, and FREE you would feel if you believed in yourself as your Soul — the all-knowing, higher part of you — does. As your inner child does.

And when YOU believe it too, all fear drops away. You come back into your inner power — knowing all you are — and step into the life you’ve always desired. Heart-led. Soul-aligned. Joyful. FREE.

It’s time to say Yes to your heart. Yes, to your inner child. Yes, to your adult self. And Yes, to your Soul.

Join me January 22nd through February 5th for a 15-Day Soul Connection Activation and step onto the PATHWAY TO FREEDOM!

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