Eighteen months ago today, my plane touched down in London, England kickstarting a lifelong dream to travel the world without a timeline or plan except to follow my heart and see where it leads me.

This was NOT an easy or quick decision. (Hence lifelong dream.)

I was giving up my apartment, donating or selling almost all of my belongings, and leaving behind family and friends to set off on my own into The Big Unknown.

I was embarking on a new and very different chapter of my life.

To get to this point, I had to work through so many fears…

What if I don’t like it?
What if I’m lonely?
What if I get hurt?
What if I get lost?
What if I run out of money?
What if I give away all my stuff and change my mind after six weeks?
What if I don’t have a place to live when it’s over?

And do it all without a plan, whaaat?! I ALWAYS had a plan. Plus, this was a giant step. I NEEDED to know it was going to work out.

To which my Soul said, What if the Universe has a bigger plan for you than you can plan for yourself? Your only job is to line up with it.

But it’s not that simple, I said. And I continued to resist my Soul’s nudges, ignore my heart’s whispers, and pretend I didn’t feel the heartache and longing. Just like I’d been doing for many years. …until I couldn’t do it anymore.

Little by little, step by step, I learned to recognize and break through my inner barriers and the umpteen excuses that kept my dream just that.

Fear. Doubt. Social and cultural conditioning. Negative self-talk. Disempowering beliefs. Learned behaviours and habits of thought. This was the stuff I had to work through to finally – finally – have the courage to trust my heart and believe that my dream – my BIGGEST dream – was worthy of becoming my experience. To know in my Soul that I had the power to create my reality.

I learned to listen to my heart and hear and trust my Soul’s voice.

Now here I am. After 38 years of wishing, waiting, longing, regrets, justifications, and reasons up the wazoo, I’m a year and a half into living what was once my dream life. And it’s SO MUCH BETTER than I imagined it would be.

I have NEVER felt so FREE!

That’s what happens when you work through the blocks that hold you apart from your dreams and desires. The blocks that keep you from aligning with your Soul’s compass.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past 18 months, it’s this…

Once you work through your fears, worries, and excuses and can fully trust your Soul’s voice, everything is easier. Serendipities and coincidences frequently happen, and they make you smile because you know they aren’t happening by chance at all. They’re signs you’re going in the right direction.

When you live a heart-led, soul-aligned life, you’re heartfully YOU. You feel happy, free and abundant.

Take it from me.

It’s your time. And it’s your turn.

Connecting with my heart reunited me with my Soul’s voice. What began as brief Love Notes From Your Soul gradually became longer and more profound. Love letters, you might say. Each message offers a higher perspective and helps me let go of fears and limiting beliefs to create a life beyond what I once dreamed possible. Now I want to share this wisdom with you so you, too, can shift from worry, doubt, and regret and feel the freedom and joy of a heart-led, soul-aligned life. To hear/read a few recent messages from The Soul Collective, a gift from my Soul (and yours), click here.