My sister is a brilliant artist. In comparison to her, my drawings are childlike at best. She used to try to teach me how to draw. “You just have to keep practicing,” she’d say. Our mother encouraged creativity in any form. She was inventive and imaginative, and not a bad painter herself. I discovered I liked to make things with my hands. I enjoyed woodworking and pottery. There was a time I liked macramé. (Remember those days?) And for a while I knitted; my grandmother taught me how.

When it comes to creativity, we think we have to excel to be considered creative. We compare ourselves to others and never feel good enough. Even my brilliant sister feels she lacks talent. (I assure you, she does not!)

We also think being creative means being artistic. Creativity comes in many forms, like dancing, singing, writing, designing, photography, computer programming, leadership, entrepreneurship, parenting, partnering…

Every single one of us is creative in our own way.

The fact you’re living means you’re creative.

You’re the creator of your own life.

You’ve created your life through your imagination, determination, inner talents, and choices big and small.

If you’re feeling stagnant, it may be that you’re not flexing your creative muscle. You’re in your head trying to figure out how you’re going to get through the day or week. You might be wondering what your purpose is, or how you’d ever bring your dream to life when ___ is in the way and keeping you where you are.

All creativity starts in the imagination where a seed of the seemingly impossible begins to take root and flourish.

Everything humans have created once did not exist. From plumbing to electricity, from a teddy bear to an iPhone. Everything started with an idea often sparked by a need. Every idea improved as it went on. The first Macintosh computer looked and worked nothing like the iPad yet Steve Jobs couldn’t have gotten to the iPad without creating the first Mac. And he couldn’t have gotten to the Apple watch without the iPad.

Who you are today could not have happened without who you were yesterday. And who you will be tomorrow needs the dreams and desires you have today coupled with YOUR imagination and inventiveness.

YOU create your reality.

Think you’re not creative? Think again.

Like my sister says, you just need to keep practicing.

Nothing sparks the imagination and strengthens the creative muscle like play.

Play, as I mean it here, means letting go of your boxed-in, trying-to-figure-it all-out thinking process so you open yourself up to new and better solutions – solutions that come to you when you’re in the practice of being creative.

Join me in the playground and begin to create your next, best, heartfully happy chapter.

CLICK HERE for all the details.
Deadline to register is Friday Feb 25th, 2022.