On my recent journey to Bhutan, they often spoke of having compassion for all sentient beings. This is the ideal. It’s a practice that would benefit us all.

Compassion for all sentient beings includes yourself. I believe it starts with you.

The more compassion you show for yourself, the more you can ‘walk in another’s shoes.’ The more compassionate you are to yourself, the more compassion you have for others, your environment, other creatures, and everything on this planet. Though trees and rocks may not have feelings as we define them, they have a purpose here. They are part of the ecosystem; a living, breathing, growing entity.

Compassion for yourself looks like being consciously aware of how you feel at all times and tending to your needs and desires.

Think of yourself as a tiny baby and your inner self as a loving parent who wants to tend to every need of the baby so that he/she will be happy. Nothing is more special to a parent (and everyone) than when a baby is happy and laughing. So let your inner self parent your inner baby and outer adult.

Let your inner self be your servant whose highest desire is to satisfy your every need. Let it continually check in with you: How are you doing today, Master? What can I get you now? What can I do for you? What do you most desire? Are you in need of anything?

Let yourself answer from a self-full place, where you desire to be satiated by life.

What would make your stomach most happy? Your body? Your mind? Your ego? Your heart? Your Soul? Your feet? Tune in and ask yourself if you need anything right now? Do you want anything right now? Even the smallest request is not too small or too much bother for your inner being. Need a drink of water? Say, Actually, Dear Inner Being and Higher Wisdom, I’d love a glass of water right now. Then let your inner being guide you to the water simply because it loves you so much, and wants for you what you want for yourself.

Want more freedom? Ask your inner being to guide you to ways to feel more free.

Want more love? Allow your inner being to guide you toward that which you love so you can fill your desire for more love. Fill yourself with things you love to do and experience.

This is how you have more compassion for yourself.

And when you allow your inner being to love you and fulfill your needs and desires, you have more compassion for the needs and desires of others.

It will be a lovely world when we look at each other, the animals, the trees, the water, the soil, the land, and the air, and say, What do you need? What do you desire?, and be able to fulfill each one, because each of us is already filled-to-overflowing ourselves.

When you feel depleted (and even when you don’t), tend to your needs first. Ask your inner baby to let your inner being love you so you can go out into the world and love the world as much as you’ve been shown how to love yourself.

Compassion is leading with love. Wouldn’t the world be better if we all lead with love?

What’s one thing your inner baby needs right now? Will you allow your inner being to love you?

Turn the Page on a Brand New Year!
Every new year is filled with possibilities, yet we carry with us the old stories and mindset blocks from years (and years) gone by. So while we may have big dreams, nothing much seems to change.
Discover The Soul Collective’s higher perspective on how to set your focus as you begin the New Year; key questions to ask yourself each day; what to be mindful of as you go about your day; and how to create the future you desire.
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