What if…?

What if…?

What if your life could be better than it is? Already have a good life? What if it could be even better? What if that one thing you’ve always wanted to do, be or have was actually possible? …You know which thing. Yeah, that one. What if when that little...
What does it mean to be Heartfully You?

What does it mean to be Heartfully You?

What does it mean to be Heartfully You – happy, eager and ready to fully love your life? It means: you know who you are at heart and accept who you are, without fear of judgement. you trust your inner wisdom to guide you, far more than you seek validation from others....
Looking for your purpose

Looking for your purpose

Are you looking for your purpose and can’t seem to find it? Perhaps you’ve tried several things (jobs, hobbies, activities, started a business or two) yet it still feels like your purpose is elusive. It feels like something is missing. You’re not...
Only you limit your dream

Only you limit your dream

Albert Einstein said, time is an illusion — an insight which hit home with me this past week. While visiting the Toronto area, I stayed with my good friends and former neighbours. For 16 years, I lived in the house next door, after which I moved to the city where I...