Are you looking for your purpose and can’t seem to find it? Perhaps you’ve tried several things (jobs, hobbies, activities, started a business or two) yet it still feels like your purpose is elusive. It feels like something is missing. You’re not fully happy. If only you could find that one thing you’re meant to be doing…

You’re not alone. So many of us look for things to make ourselves feel whole or we look to others to make us happy. We search for our soul mate but no one seems to be the exact fit. We expect our partners to know what we want without having to tell them because if they really loved us, they’d know, right? (Wrong.)

We think that if it feels like there’s something missing then we must be lacking something in the first place. Like a half-full bucket, we seek ways to fill ourselves up not realizing that the bucket has a hole in it.

Until the hole is patched from within, no matter what you do to try and fill yourself up, your bucket will never be full.

Patch the hole and not only will your bucket soon fill, but it will also overflow with plenty to give to others.

Nothing outside of you can fill the void you feel inside.

Only YOU know yourself, how you feel, and what will make you happy.

What are you trying to fill your bucket with? Joy? Happiness? Love? Health? Wealth? Abundance?

When you find it within, you feel whole.

When you feel whole, you show up in the world as the full expression of who you really are, and THAT is your ultimate purpose.

When you show up in your job, hobbies, and relationships already feeling complete, you no longer expect the activity or the person to fill your leaky bucket. Your bucket is already full. You’re free to be you, with your gifts, talents, love, and joy enhancing each and every encounter.

Your purpose is to be more of who you already are. If you’re not sure who that is, I have a process that reveals your inner Why; your heart purpose. If that feels of interest to you, Click Here and let’s set up a time to chat about it.


How often has the voice in your head held you back?

What if the voice in your head were liberating rather than limiting? Confident not critical? Inspiring not intimidating?

Your Soul knows you better than anyone and holds the truth of who you really are.

What if the voice in your head became the loving voice of your Soul?

But with all the noise in your inner and outer world, how can you even hear your Soul’s voice?

Affirmations From Your Soul cuts through the noise and allows you to clearly hear your Soul’s loving words, affirm them to yourself and develop a deeper connection with your inner truth.

Affirmations are powerful.
Imagine the power of 111 affirmations, each of which is your Soul’s vision of you. Learn more here.