It’s that time of year when we count down the days to another year ending and ponder the possibilities a new year holds. As I reflect on 2022 and plan for 2023, I want you to know how much I appreciate that you’re part of my community. I hope you find inspiration and encouragement to believe in yourself, follow your heart, and live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

What is it you wish for 2023?

What are your small, big, and bold wishes?

What does your heart want for you that you might be too timid to say out loud? Maybe it feels too unreachable so you dare not say it because it would hurt too much if it never came true.

What I know for sure is that your heart holds that dream because it IS possible. Only you stand in your way.

A new year, like each new day, is full of potential.

Are you focusing on all the abundance that’s possible, or are you worried about what else might go wrong?

As the Soul Collective said in a recent message:

“You are here to have an abundance of joy. You are here to have an abundance of love. You are here to have an abundance of peace and happiness and health and wealth. There is so much abundance available to you. And it is all yours, if you want it.”

✨ Hear the full message on ABUNDANCE here. Includes a guided meditation and .pdf transcript.

As you envision your year ahead, I invite you to notice your thoughts. Do you believe you can have what you desire? If not, why? Therein lies your work.

I’m here for you if you’d like to break through the blocks that hold you back from your heart’s desire and the abundance that is yours to have. Click here and let’s chat. 

I wish you a Heartfully Happy New Year filled with an abundance of all you desire! ❤️

Looking for a special gift this holiday season?

May I suggest my Love Notes From Your Soul book? It’s filled with 53 inspirational messages your Soul wants you to know — one for every week of the year, plus one for good luck.

Accompanying each Note you’ll find a full colour photograph of a window or door taken by me during my travels. Why windows and doors? Because your eyes are the windows to your Soul, and your heart is the doorway.

Allow each message and photo to open your heart and help you reconnect with the truth of who you are.

This book is perfect as a daily boost, a weekly focus, or a quick pick-me-up whenever you need a little reminder of your perfection.

Treat your loved ones (and yourself) with a gift that keeps on giving.

Get a free gift when you buy through this link!