In light of the recent events in the Ukraine, I tuned into my Soul and asked the collective of Souls — mine, yours and everyone’s (because at a soul level we’re all connected) — what they most want us to know right now. This is what I heard:

Your world, overall, is a peaceful place filled with loving souls yet there are times when darkness seems to appear. Darkness can be scary and frightening. That’s why we are here; to illuminate the darkness. Throughout human history, there have been conflicts. Conflicts are caused by those who don’t know a better way — who don’t believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe. As a collective, you have been gradually becoming more conscious and moving toward the light; toward love. These past years, the Black Lives Matter, Me Too movements and various other movements that have been gaining recognition and momentum is proof that love is wanting to come forth and be the way of the world. We see this current conflict as another opportunity for humans to come together and recognize and accept that the better — the best — way to live on your planet is to live in compassion and love toward one another. Thousands and thousands of people around the world and people in government are coming together to say, ‘we want peace, not war. We want love, not hate. We want freedom, to live in peace.’ We see this as a time in your history where there will be a turning point in the will and consciousness of your collective humanity. Tune your heart’s vibration to that of love. Hold your vision of what you want your world to look like and strive for that. Keep that as your objective. Work together to resolve this. We understand there is worry and fear. This is a time of evolution. See it as such and let the vision of what you desire pull you up from your fearful state. Know that we love you. You are not alone. We love you. We love you. We love you.
The Soul Collective

P.S. Creating Love Notes From Your Soul got me into the practice of connecting with my inner wisdom; my soul’s voice. Occasionally, I go deeper and ask for a bigger message. The above is one of three recent messages: one, which I scribed at the beginning of the pandemic can be found here, and the other I scribed near the end of the first wave, here. I hope they bring you as much comfort as they did me.