Was there a moment that changed your life?

One I recall vividly happened in September 2003. Under The Tuscan Sun had just come out in theatres. I emerged from the movie changed. Frances Mayes’ story planted a seed in me. She showed me a possibility I hadn’t considered (and really liked) and stirred a deep yearning to live in Europe. While I have not bought a run-down villa to renovate (yet), I came out of the theatre with an inner knowing that I wanted that, too or something like it.

Little did I know, that almost 20 years later, I’d not only be spending seven weeks in Cortona, but Bramasole – her actual villa, the one she wrote her book about – is a short walk away. It’s down a beautiful winding road lined with “creepy Italian trees” overlooking the Tuscan countryside. When I saw it, I was elated! I was filled with joy, appreciation, gratitude, and excitement.

Because she shared her story, she allowed me to dream a bigger dream.

Today is DAY 500! of my completely heart led, travel life – the fruit of the seed sowed that September day many years ago.

Whenever we see others doing something we consider courageous, brave, or bold, it inspires and uplifts us. It lets us know that we, too, can be all those things. It rekindles the inner knowing that we already are all those things. It sparks in us a desire to be more courageous, braver, and bolder in our own lives, even if what they’re doing is different from what we want.

And what each of those people we admire has in common is that they followed the voice of their heart (their Soul’s voice).

It’s not your head that allows you to step toward your desire. In fact, your head holds you back. It’s your heart that nudges you toward that which you love. It’s your heart that will feel great when you get there.

When I rented this Airbnb in Cortona, I selected it mainly for the view. I imagined myself like Frances Mayes, sitting at an old wooden table by the window and gazing out at the expansive landscape as I write – just as I’m doing now and have done with each post I’ve created over the past month.

Every dream starts as a seed. It’s up to you to nurture it, no matter how long it takes.

As Francis (Diane Lane) says at the end of the movie; “Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game. It’s such a surprise.”

What’s one way you can be a little more courageous, braver, and bolder in 2023?
What’s another?

It’s never too late to follow your heart. Begin with one tiny step. Then take another. Because when you do, you end up creating a life that exceeds your wildest dreams.

I’m here if you need help to hear and trust your heart’s voice. Click here and let’s chat. 


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Discover how to attract your deepest desires, set the intention for what you really want, what to do when you feel stuck, and the most important thing to pay attention to. Includes a guided meditation to deepen your experience of abundance.
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