On a scale from 0-10, how much do you trust that life loves you?

How much do you trust things will work out for you?

How much do you trust you can have all you desire?

How much do you trust yourself to bring your dreams to life?

How much do you trust, period?

Trust was one of my biggest challenges when I began reconnecting with my heart and the whispers of my Soul. It was the scariest hurdle I stepped over when I embarked on my nomadic life. It’s been an obstacle at every step of my journey…and still is.

No matter how much self-work we do, trust is at the core of our fear when we want to expand into the person we know we’re capable of being. It crops up, to some degree or another, every time we want to try something different, up-level, or embark on a new chapter.

Anytime we feel vulnerable, we want to trust our gut, heart, and intuition, and we try to, but something holds us back.

That’s because trying to trust isn’t trusting at all. Is it?

Is trust a challenge for you, too?

Our Life Mastery Monthly Membership theme for October is TRUST.

We’re delving deep into why trust is such an issue for us and how to shift our awareness, perspective, and mindset so we can confidently create the life we desire.

If there’s any part of you or any area of your life where you’re not fully trusting that you can be, have, or do ALL you envision, THIS month is for YOU!

I can’t wait to hear what The Soul Collective brings through.

Click the button below to join the Life Mastery Monthly Membership and begin a new relationship with trust.

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