There’s happiness. Then there’s heartful happiness.

What’s the difference?

Merriam-Webster defines happiness as “a state of well-being and contentment: Joy.” Heartful is defined as “full of heartfelt emotion.”

While one might argue they’re basically the same, in practice, they’re different. Let me explain…

Throughout my life, I’ve felt happy in many situations. I’ve had a feeling of contentment. I didn’t have much to complain about. Overall, I’d say I’ve had a happy life. Yet I longed for more. There was a part of me that didn’t feel whole. I was missing “me” in my life. Mostly because I’d forgotten who I was as I navigated life and focused my love and attention on others, doing my best to make them happy. (Sound familiar?)

Unless and until your heart’s happiness becomes a leading factor in your happiness quotient, you won’t feel completely happy. Because if your heart isn’t satiated, heartful happiness remains elusive.

Throughout human evolution, we’ve come to believe our brain is our most intelligent organ, ignoring all other inner guidance. Yet studies show that our heart has an intelligence of its own. In fact, your heart receives and transmits messages before your brain does.

It’s not until your head and heart align that happiness can occur.

For instance, if you want something and talk yourself out of it, you’re not happy, right? You might regret your decision. But if you want something and allow yourself to have it, it feels good.

And that’s the difference. It’s in how you FEEL about it. And how you feel is an emotion, and emotions are the domain of the heart.

You can go through life feeling content while still feeling that something’s missing. And that missing something is YOU — your heart and, by extension, your Soul. Or you can align with your heart’s desires and be heartfully happy because your heart’s desires are your Soul’s voice calling you back to who you really are.

I define heartful happiness as living in alignment with your heart so that you feel whole, with an ongoing state of joyful well-being and inner peace.

How do you get there? By making how you feel a priority.

It’s your time, and it’s your turn.

When you’re ready, I’m here to help. Click here and let’s chat.



How often has the voice in your head held you back?

What if the voice in your head were liberating rather than limiting? Confident not critical? Inspiring not intimidating?

Your Soul knows you better than anyone and holds the truth of who you really are.

What if the voice in your head became the loving voice of your Soul?

But with all the noise in your inner and outer world, how can you even hear your Soul’s voice?

Affirmations From Your Soul cuts through the noise and allows you to clearly hear your Soul’s loving words, affirm them to yourself and develop a deeper connection with your inner truth.

Affirmations are powerful.
Imagine the power of 111 affirmations, each of which is your Soul’s vision of you. Learn more here.