As the end of the year approaches, you might be looking back on and evaluating the past 12 months. Twelve months ago, you may have said, “This year will be different.” You no-doubt had a vision for how you wanted your year to unfold. Maybe you set goals, some of which you hit, some that are still in the process, and some that remain ahead.

The temptation is to look back on all the unfulfilled wishes and feel like you’ve failed.

Instead, I invite you to get out your journal and list all the ways you succeeded this year. And I’m not talking about financial or business success, though you can include those too. Think about the changes you made for yourself and your own well-being.

The question to ask is, How did I grow this past year?

When did you feel brave? Perhaps you had a tough conversation with someone. Or maybe you gave up something or took on something new. What were some chances you took, whether you deem them a success or not? Because it doesn’t really matter if you achieved something specific. What’s most important is who you have become because you lived this past year.

What did you learn along the way? How are you different? When, why and how did you come back into your power and feel aligned with your heart?

Life is all about change and using change as a chance to grow, expand and become more of yourself, unapologetically, because you choose to let life love you.

As you set your sights, create your vision board, and plan your goals for the year to come, ask yourself:

  1. How do I want to grow this year?
  2. Where am I ready to start a new chapter? Do I need to start fresh or just take the next step?
  3. What will I do more of, less of, or differently this next year…in each area of my life?
  4. What am I willing (and oh so ready) to let go of in order to say a wholehearted “Yes” to my life?
  5. How will I step more fully into who I know I am in my heart and soul?
  6. What kind of help do I need along the way?

You can’t reach the next stage or level without some kind of growth or expansion. Otherwise you’d stay where you are.

How will you grow in 2023?

I’m here for you if you need help. ❤️ Book a call HERE.

Looking for a special gift this holiday season?

May I suggest my Love Notes From Your Soul book? It’s filled with 53 inspirational messages your Soul wants you to know — one for every week of the year, plus one for good luck.

Accompanying each Note you’ll find a full colour photograph of a window or door taken by me during my travels. Why windows and doors? Because your eyes are the windows to your Soul, and your heart is the doorway.

Allow each message and photo to open your heart and help you reconnect with the truth of who you are.

This book is perfect as a daily boost, a weekly focus, or a quick pick-me-up whenever you need a little reminder of your perfection.

Treat your loved ones (and yourself) with a gift that keeps on giving.

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