Kia ora (Hello) from Auckland, New Zealand!

For the next three and a half months, I'll be exploring this beautiful country from north to south and back again; another bucket list location to check off my list.

It's funny, often on the first few days of a new journey, my egoic voice is very loud. It fills my mind with doubts about why I chose the location, why I've chosen this lifestyle, and fears that I won't get any work done (to name a few).

My ego's voice (the voice that likes to make the rules, loves a solid plan, and expects them to be adhered to) tries especially hard to gain hold while I'm tired.

Perhaps your ego is the same...

But I'm on to it.

First I notice my mood.

Instead of being excited, I feel deflated. I second-guess my choices (and everything I've ever done). I hear words in my head like stupid, wrong, dumb, failure... Your ego-voice is judgemental. Your Soul-voice never is.

Then I notice my food choices.

I reach for chocolate bars WAY more than usual and justify my choices by telling myself I'm trying "new food". I find chocolate bars we don't have in Canada and inhale them, barely noticing the taste. Yes, I still eat chocolate when my Soul voice is in the driver's seat, except I eat it because it brings me joy (and I enjoy it) rather than eating it with the energy of self-punishment or drowning my feelings.

Do you recognize a similar pattern?

My ego-voice gets louder when my connection to my Soul-voice is quiet. When my energy needs to recover and recharge, my egoic-voice, under the guise of keeping me safe and looking after my "best interests," swoops in with best intentions.

Recovering from an 18-hour time change, as well as a change of seasons, my ego took full advantage of my weakened state. However, once I recognized whose voice I was listening to most, I counteracted it with a practice that helps me shift back into a heart-led, Soul-aligned life...

If you're in a place of self-doubt, confusion, overwhelm, regret, and are afraid to take the next step, or now worry the step you just took was wrong, I invite you to try this practice too.

Let your ego have its say.

  1. Get out a pen and paper or journal (it works best if you write by hand), and let your worried, fearful ego-voice ream off all of its worries and fears. Get it all out in the light and onto the paper where you can see it. Don't judge what you're writing. Just let your ego vent and your hand transcribe.
  2. Take a few deep breaths, have a good cry, take a nap, go for a walk — whatever feels best in the moment — and when you're ready, thank your ego for sharing. Acknowledge its fears. Thank it for caring so much about you.
  3. THEN, tune into your heart and inner knowing and ask your inner being, your Soul, what it KNOWS to be true about you.

Here's what my Soul said to me, and since at Soul-level we're all connected, your Soul wants you to know this too...

10 Truths Your Soul Wants You To Know:

  1. You are right where you're meant to be.
  2. You are always supported.
  3. Life has a grander plan than you can see.
  4. When you love yourself, life loves you.
  5. Life gets easier when you let it.
  6. When you are in your power, you are unstoppable.
  7. Get quiet and let inspiration find you.
  8. When you surrender to the voice of your Soul, you are always guided in the right direction.
  9. You are aligned with your Soul when you are joyful, light, happy, and playful.
  10. Guidance is ready when you're ready to receive it.

Give this practice a try for yourself.


December's Life Mastery Monthly Membership theme is CLOSURE. If you're dealing with the loss a loved one or you're newly retired (or about to be), there's a special message for you in this week's post. It goes out tomorrow (Wed. Dec. 13, 2023). Join TODAY so you don't miss it.