If you’re like many people today, you’re trying to discover your purpose.

You’re trying to find the ONE thing that is “It”. The single thing you’re meant to do that will bring you everlasting joy. Sound familiar?

However, if you’re like most people, you’re making one BIG mistake…

You’re mixing up passion with purpose.

Passion is something that lights you up.

The thing is, passion fades, doesn’t last, and even dies out.

Think of the last thing (or person) you were passionate about. Are you still as passionate as you were at first?

If it’s been a while since following this passion, say a few years, has your passion turned into work? On a scale of 1-10, Passion being 10, Like being 5, and Dislike/Hate being 1, where does your once passion now lie?

Why does passion fade or die out?

Because passions are emotional desires.

Emotions are energy-driven. The level of energy that passion requires is impossible to keep up.

Imagine trying to stay happy when something terrible has just happened. You don’t have the energy to maintain a happy state when life just dragged you down.

Purpose on the other hand – heart purpose – never fades. 

Your heart (or inner) purpose is based on who you are, innately, naturally and without even trying.

Since there’s only one of you, you only have one inner purpose; not one purpose for work, a different purpose for family, another purpose for friends, and another one for yourself.

AND your purpose is NOT your kids, family or any other person. They may be your motivation, but they’re not your purpose.

You have ONE inner purpose — a heart purpose.

When you’re in alignment with your heart purpose, things feel good — even passionate!

The great news is you can DO whatever you want because no matter what you do, your purpose comes with you bringing your gifts to the situation.

Your purpose fuels your passion.

Btw, if you’re in business, your heart purpose is your magic differentiating factor.

Yet there’s a reason you’ve not yet found your purpose… 

It lives in the depths of your heart, held by your soul, where feelings are elusive and words are etherial. 

You live your purpose everyday yet it’s so much a part of you that you can’t see if for yourself. Others can feel it — in fact it’s why they’re drawn to you — but ask them and they’re not likely to be able to put it into words. 

But oh, when you CAN put words to it…MAGIC happens. 

Once you know what your heart purpose is, you begin to show up differently. You feel grounded in who you are and confident in what you bring to every relationship, business or personal. Past hurts often melt away. Things that have been bothering you for years can finally be released. 

You gain an inner awareness of who you really are and what you’re here to do. 

You’re able to look at your future with a different lens and start making plans that support, and are in alignment with, who you truly are because you’re now consciously aware of what you need to do to stay in alignment. 

Which means that regardless of what you DO, you’re able to bring your best self to the table.

When your passion fades, either check in and see if something is out of alignment with your inner purpose and rejig how you can show up more fully as you, or move on to your next passion with the confidence of knowing exactly what you’re bringing to enhance it. 

Finding your heart purpose is a foundational cornerstone in creating a heartfully happy business and/or life.

Finding your heart purpose is a journey back into yourself and toward who you’re meant to be. 

If finding your heart purpose sounds interesting to you, click here to learn more.