You are an explorer. We all are.

You might travel far by car, train, plane, or boat or while snuggled on your sofa immersed in a good book or movie.

You explore fashion trends, new foods, and different musical styles.

You explore relationships, careers, health and lifestyle choices.

You explore to find where you belong. Who are your people? Where do you feel accepted and most at home? What makes you feel seen, heard, held, and safe?

Perhaps, like me, you also enjoy navigating the inner world, exploring what makes us tick, and conquering inner mountains until they feel like molehills or disappear entirely.

Who are we then when we stop being who we thought we were?

That, for me, is when the real journey begins.

And it continues until you’re on the other side — when you feel whole. When you love and accept yourself. When you notice you no longer shift your persona to try and fit in. Instead, you feel comfortable in the space you carry with you because that space is filled with love and acceptance for yourself and everyone. Wherever you go, love goes, too, because you understand and feel your connection with everything.

Then, and only then, exploration transforms.

Seeking stops. Creation begins.

You’re no longer exploring with the hope of finding yourself in a place, a book, a piece of music, or another person. You’ve found yourself. You know who you really are.

Now, you deliberately create experiences that expand who you are.

You create a life that fills you up.

Your travels feel different: I am ME, and now I am here.

Partnerships and friendship become: I am ME, and I’m a part of this loving relationship. 

You see life differently: I am ME, present and connected with my inner being and the world around me, looking at life with open eyes and an open heart.

An explorer wanders through the world around them — sometimes aimlessly, unconsciously, or with curiosity — a player amongst other players in this game called Life.

A creator understands they design their own game, deliberately choosing life experiences to enhance and expand the feeling of freedom and joy in which they now reside.

Explorer or creator — which are you?

If you’re ready to feel the freedom and joy of a heart-led, Soul-aligned life, here are four ways you and I can work together:

  1. Life Mastery Monthly Membership:
    Learn to master every area of your life by letting go of who you think you are to become more of who you really are.
    April’s theme is ALLOW MORE.
  2. Sessions With Your Soul:
    What does YOUR Soul want you to know right now? Book a private session with me and get the guidance you seek.
  3. Private Coaching:
    I’ll help you believe in yourself, find your heart purpose, and live your potential so you can be heartfully happy, and experience the freedom and joy of a heart-led, Soul-aligned life.
  4. 1:1 VIP Experience in London, England:
    Join me in London, England for 2 or 3-days this June! Select the best dates for you between June 10th and 13th, 2024 then let’s have a chat about what you want to work on while we’re together and what you’d like to see while in London, and I’ll put together a bespoke experience for you! Email me (or hit reply) and let’s set up a time to chat. No obligation. Serious interest only, please.