If you asked yourself what you truly want at the core of your being, you’d no doubt discover you want freedom and joy.

You want:

Freedom to live life your way. To do what you want, when and how you want to do it.

Freedom to choose creative and fulfilling work.

Freedom to spend time with people you enjoy spending time with.

You want freedom of choice and freedom of speech, in all its many and varied meanings and complexities.

In short, you want the freedom to be YOURSELF, completely and authentically. Even if you’re unsure of what that looks like, you feel it tugging at you, like there’s a disconnect between who you currently are and who you innately are. It’s like you’re hiding yourself from yourself — and you know it.

Plus, you want to experience the joy that comes with the freedom to create your life in a way that feels good to you and fills your heart with love for yourself and others.

The joy that is there before you open your eyes.

The joy that, throughout your day, bubbles up as you come into the moment and realize, yet again, that you’re living your dream — and you can hardly believe it’s better than you imagined. 

Is this your life now, or does it feel too far off, maybe even unreachable or unrealistic?

What does it take to feel this kind of freedom and joy? 


Someone said to me recently that they see me as someone with great courage. I’ve heard this many times, mostly when I tell people I’m living my dream of traveling the world. (I’m now approaching three years as a nomad.) They usually follow it by saying, I could never do that. I sense they’re referring to the courage it would take to follow their own dream.

Oh, but my dear, you could!

You may not want to live out of a suitcase for three years, like me — trust me, that part can become tiresome. I get this lifestyle isn’t for everyone.

But if you want to feel the freedom and joy of living life in a way that feels authentically YOU and makes your heart feel full-to-bursting, you CAN do that. 

And yes, THAT takes courage, especially at first. I know.

It takes courage to trust your heart and the whispers of your Soul. I know.

It takes courage to say YES to yourself and the dreams you’ve been stifling and trying to ignore (unsuccessfully, a.k.a. your aching heart that longs for ____ [fill in the blank]). I know.

It takes courage to take a stand for yourself and make a change — any change, big or small. I know.

It takes courage to step out of the norm and the expectations people have of you and for you. I know.

It takes courage to break away from the roles you’ve created for yourself and have been playing for many years so you can become who you really are. I know.

It takes courage to heed your inner voice and trust your inner wisdom because you’ve spent so long seeking the advice of others and trusting they know what’s best for you. I know.

It takes courage to use your voice in a new way, especially if you think those in your life won’t like what you have to say or what you choose to do. I know.

Once you do sum up your courage…

You feel so free! I know.

Why? Because you’re being true to YOU — the INNER YOU — and living in alignment with your heart and Soul.

And there’s NOTHING more joyful than that. I know.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”
~ Anaïs Nin

Courage comes more easily when you have a cheerleader and guide who has walked the path before you and now walks alongside you — one who holds your vision as you take your first uncertain steps. I see you.

I’m here to walk you home. Let’s chat. 



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