As an entrepreneur, it’s your business to stay on top of your business.
However, all the doing that needs to be done often makes you lose focus on why you started your business in the first place.
Take a moment and think back.
What was your initial inspiration?
Was it to have:
- freedom over your time?
- the ability to work from anywhere in the world?
- the opportunity to stay home with your kids while still bringing in an income?
- the chance to work by your own rules?
- pride in your great idea coming to fruition?
Where are you now?
Have you met many, or any, of those goals?
How are you feeling about where you are today?
The Single Most Important Question To Ask Yourself
I believe the single most important question to regularly ask yourself is:
What has to happen in my business for me to be heartfully happy?
Not just “happy”, Heartfully Happy. Even H-E-A-R-T-F-U-L-L-Y H-A-P-P-Y!
My guess is that you started this business because you thought it would make you happier in some way. Am I right?
This question ensures you stay on track with your original dream (and keeps you moving toward your new-and-improved goals and vision).
3 Tips To Help You Become Heartfully Happy In Your Biz
Tip #1
Is there something – one thing – you can do less of, let go of or outsource that would make your work more easy or joyful? What is it?
I completely understand that early on in business you may not have the income to pay others to do what you’d rather not. Regardless, consider the question carefully.
Perhaps you can do it less often but with more impact?
Maybe you can do it in a different method (written, audio, video…)
How about trading services with someone who’d love help from you?
Do you really need to be doing ALL you’re doing? Or are you hiding – keeping yourself “busy” because you’re afraid to step out of your comfort zone? (Confession: been there, done that!)
If you found one thing to change, can you find another?
Letting something go allows space for something new and better to come in i.e.: more time = more clients = more money!
Tip #2
Is there something – one thing – you could start doing, or do more of, that would make your work more fun?
What small steps can you put in place today, tomorrow and the next day that will get you closer to that goal?
Do you dream of hosting a Facebook group to help more people at once?
Baby step: Set up the page with a “Coming Soon” message.
Do you want to begin speaking to groups?
Baby step: Join Toastmasters to help you get over your fear of public speaking.
Do you dream of being a digital nomad?
Baby step: Research a location where you can imagine spending time working while also allowing time to see a new part of the world.
Can you feel the energy and excitement each step will bring?
Tip #3
Fear is often merely an indicator that you’re wanting something different and are very close to taking a step toward it but your ego is telling you to stop.
“Dream schmeam. Forget about it. Don’t even try. Everything’s fine right here. Just stay put,” says your ego.
Your ego’s main job is to keep you safe so fear is it’s way of keeping you right where you are – where, even if things aren’t great, it knows what to expect.
Baby steps gently ease your ego into it. “See? That wasn’t so bad,” you say as you plot out your next baby step.
Even baby steps can still feel scary but trust me, it won’t be scary for long. You’ll soon be wondering why you waited in the first place.
If you want to up-level your business, often the tiniest of steps will get you moving in the right direction and make the overall fear less powerful.
Every step out of your comfort zone soon becomes your next new normal.
So, think about it:
What has to happen in your business for you to be Heartfully Happy?
Keep this question in mind and ask it periodically with the intention of making heartful happiness your end-game.
Only you can make it happen.
After all, you ARE the boss.
What has to happen in your business for you to be Heartfully Happy? Share below.
I’d love to support you in shaping your business so it better fits who you are. I’m only a phone call away. 🙂