Excuse my RANT

Excuse my RANT

I have to get this off my chest… It drives me crazy when people are afraid to be fully themselves. When they don’t trust their Soul’s nudges and hold back out of fear. When they don’t trust life loves them, and they give excuses instead of...
How to (Really) Manifest Your Dreams

How to (Really) Manifest Your Dreams

How often do you use an excuse, reason, obligation or justification to explain why you’re not where you want to be in your life, business or career? Saying, “I can’t because…” or “I would, except I have to…” are signs...
Break Down Your Barriers To Love

Break Down Your Barriers To Love

What’s one thing you’d love to do in your life or with your life? What’s holding you back?  This is only one aspect we’re exploring this month in the Life Mastery Monthly Membership with our topic: Break Down Your Barriers To Love.  Below is...
What’s beyond the Law of Attraction?

What’s beyond the Law of Attraction?

Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? If so, how’s it working for you? You may understand the basic premise — that which I think about is drawn to me — yet if you don’t have evidence of what you want, it’s natural to doubt. You want proof. Proof...