by admin | Jul 9, 2020 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Do you have a yearning for something more—maybe something you can’t even name? You have an inner knowing that out there, somewhere, is more. Better. Or perhaps you have a specific dream; something you’ve longed for and are waiting for...
by admin | Jul 7, 2020 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
There’s one common quality I see in the people I work with: bravery. They have a vision for something more, have decided to go after it and are looking for tools to help them get there. If that’s you, I honour your courage to go after your dream. Because...
by admin | May 26, 2020 | Life Lessons & Business Insight
Yesterday a friend sent me an email. She was sharing photos that people have sent into a Facebook page called “View from my window.” Maybe you’ve heard of it. The group was started on March 22nd, 2020, as the world we knew was grinding to a halt. The...
by admin | Oct 18, 2018 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Passion. We all want it and we want it to last forever. Why? Because it feels SO GREAT! When you’re filled with passion, you’re energetic. You’re full of vigour and have an unsquelchable zest for life. You are sunshine personified. You’re...
by admin | May 10, 2018 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Ikigai. Scopo. Kumu. Raison d’être. Injongo. In every country, in every language, we’re all looking for it — the elusive “thing” that is unique to us and which has the capability to fuel us to our dying day. In English, we use many words and...