Do you have a yearning for something more—maybe something you can’t even name? You have an inner knowing that out there, somewhere, is more. Better.

Or perhaps you have a specific dream; something you’ve longed for and are waiting for “someday”.

I can still remember the constant dull ache in my heart caused by my dream laying in wait for me to do something about it, combined with the doubt and disbelief that my someday would ever come.

I remember too, the moment that changed everything.

It was the moment I chose to say “Yes” to Me. Because that “Yes” immediately began drawing my dream closer to that day. 

That initial “Yes” was the first step toward becoming more of the Real Me; a me I had buried beneath the roles I identified with: wife, mother, daughter, entrepreneur. The me I had lost behind labels I’d embodied like: shy and quiet; and labels I continually tried to live up to like: good, perfect, helper, independent, ambitious, confident. Can you relate?

That single “Yes” put me on a path of growth and expansion.

Because of that “Yes” I rediscovered me.
Because of that “Yes” I now know and live my purpose.

What I didn’t know then was, just like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, what I was looking for wasn’t “out there”; it was inside me all along.

If you have dreams and yearnings dwelling inside you, so are the reasons that have been stopping you, as well as the way forward.

In order to become who you’re meant to be, you must let go of doubts, fears and judgements that blind your awareness and acceptance that who you are is already perfect.

These are the same fears and doubts that until now have kept you playing small and stopped you from going after your dreams.

Your dreams are yours for a reason or you simply wouldn’t have them. You’re meant to have them. And you’re meant to pursue them.

Today—right now—I’m inviting you to say “Yes” to YOU. I’m inviting you to connect to the whispers of your Soul and reconnect with the Real You so you can write your heartfully happy next life chapter. I’m inviting you to join me on a journey.

It’s time to Say YES! to You!
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