How much of your life is based on how you think your roles as spouse, parent, friend, employee or entrepreneur should be played based on rules you picked up from your family, schooling, culture and society? Or are you designing your business and life so it fits who you really are (and secretly want to be)?

If there’s an area of your life where you’re not fully happy, you’re being offered an opportunity to redesign it.

Rather than berate yourself for not being as successful as you think you should be, feel ‘less than’ when you compare yourself to others or blame others for your unhappiness, look at this discontentedness as a gift from your heart.

When your heart is happy, you’re happy. You feel good. You’re energized and excited to experience life. Anything less is your heart nudging you to open yourself up to other options such as asking others for help, changing a routine or summoning up the courage to do what you know you need to do.

Heartful happiness is about tuning into your heart’s whispers, finding and embracing the wisdom that’s waiting for you there, and taking the necessary steps to make it your reality…even if it goes against what you (and others) think you should be doing.

Think back to a time when you listened to your heart. Feel into how happy, confident and empowered you felt. That was living your life by design.

What needs redesigning now?

When you let your heart be your compass, you create a life you love because it fits who YOU are.

If you’d like my help in finding your heart purpose or moving through the blocks that are keeping you from designing a heartfully happy business and life, I’m here for you. Send me an email and we can set up a time to chat.