Have you ever felt afraid to make a change or try something new? After all, how can you tell if what you’re thinking of doing is right for you or not, especially when it requires stepping outside of your comfort zone?
Are you thinking of doing it because it’s something you (or others) feel you “should” do — or are you feeling inspired to do it? How can you tell the difference?
A simple test to tell whether something is inspired action or if it is coming from a sense of obligation, envy or duty is by tuning into how you feel.
When you’re inspired to do something, there’s a sense that you’re being pulled toward it.
Even if it feels scary, it also feels exciting. You feel alive and motivated. It feels like it would be an enjoyable, fun undertaking — even if it won’t be easy. It can feel almost daring. This is because you’re on the edge of growth and expansion. You want something and you’re willing to become more of who you really are; to step up, step out and claim it.
On the other hand, when you’re considering doing something because you feel you “should” or others are telling you it’s the best and only way (it’s how all successful people achieved their goal), it feels like you’re being pushed.
And whenever you feel pushed, your natural reaction is to resist. The reason you’re resisting is because you’d rather not do it and/or something feels off or out of alignment. There’s a reason you’re resisting. Maybe it worked from them, a Type A risk-taker, but you’re a naturally cautious Type D person.
When you feel the pull of inspiration, once you start, momentum increases because there is already forward motion in your emotions and in your being. You want to jump out of bed every morning and get back to it.
When you feel pushed and do it anyway, things feel hard. Time seems to drag. You run into lots of challenges. You can feel resentful. It’s not enjoyable. As for bed…you dread the morning.
The word “inspire” comes from Latin and means “to breathe or blow into.” The theological meaning which comes from the 14th century refers to “divine influence.” Therefore something that feels inspiring feels like it fills you up. It becomes the wind beneath your wings. It can feel like the idea came to you “out of the blue”; it was interesting and intriguing. And the more you sit with the idea (without judgment or trying to talk yourself out of it), it still feels interesting, intriguing and exciting.
The opposite of “inspired” is “dispirited”, “disheartened” or “discouraged”.
Do you want to lead a life without spirit, heart or courage?
One word of caution…
Whether your idea is inspired or not, your ego is more than likely going to try to stop you.
Your ego’s job is to keep you safe. That means it will try hard to keep you right where you are — in the known (good or bad). So pulled or pushed, it will say, “Hang on a minute. Are you sure you want to do this?” That’s when you’ll start doubting and second-guessing yourself and turn to everyone you know for advice which will end up confusing you more.
The trick is to get out of your head and into your heart.
Your heart holds so much untapped wisdom.
Feel into what’s right for you.
Feel into whether you are being pulled or pushed. And if it’s pulled, trust your inner knowing and step into the growth you’re being called to experience. Tell your ego that you’re sure and invite it along for the ride. Once you’ve committed and take the first step, your ego will back off.
Taking inspired action can still be uncomfortable simply because you’re stepping into new territory. At the same time, it can be super exciting because you’re embracing new possibilities. Ahhh, possibilities, my favourite word!
The more you listen to your heart and take inspired action, the happier you’ll be because you’re living in your truth.
What’s one thing that’s inspiring you today?
What’s one thing you can do to allow it into your life?