You likely watched the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics in Paris this past week or saw the highlights. Thomas Jolly, the artistic director, and choreographer, Maud Le Pladec combined their gifts and talents, and with apparent open minds and open hearts, stepped WAY outside the box to create a spectacular celebration showcasing the beauty, history, and romance of Paris, the creative spirit of the arts, and formidable determination of the world’s top athletes. We were offered a feast for our senses and emotions that opened our minds, imaginations and hearts, expanding our collective consciousness (and subconsciousness) to create more for ourselves.

The official Olympic website states, “Thomas and Le Pladec were chosen for their contemporary styles, their freshness, their creativity and the daring of their work. With these two at the wheel, one thing was certain: we would have to expect the unexpected…” (text by Alexander Martin)

The Olympics are exciting for athletes and non-athletes alike. We’re coming together to witness and celebrate human achievement.

“Citius, Altius, Fortius” — Faster, Higher, Stronger, is the Olympic motto. 

While I know I’ll never be an Olympic athlete, the Olympics inspires me to reach higher for myself, too. Do you feel the same?

Feel into all the talents and gifts you have within you that bring you the most joy. Now…

What would be possible if you allowed yourself to think outside the box and imagine something more for yourself — if you saw your next chapter as a white canvas, a blank page, an empty stage, a city at your feet? What could you create if given carte blanche (permission to do whatever you choose)? 

If you surrendered the need to be in control and delighted in expecting the unexpected, excited for the happy happenstances that await, what would YOU dare to create?

As a famous Greek philosopher said,

Happiness is the settling of the soul into its most appropriate spot.
~ Aristotle

Allow the momentum of following your joy to bring it to you faster as you reach higher, standing stronger in your inner power.

Following your joy ignites the flame of your inner Olympic torch. Let it burn bright.


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