What is the dream in your heart? Pick one.

How long has it been simmering?

How long have you felt the ache? The yearning? The pull?

That’s the thing about dreams…they pull, never push.

Your ego-voice pushes you, telling you you “should” be doing more or “shouldn’t” leave your comfort zone.

What’s the natural thing to do when you feel pushed? Push back. Resist. Stand your ground.

Your Soul pulls you. Gently. Nudging you forth. Drawing you toward your desires. Toward growth. Toward more. Toward expansion, so you can be all you know and sense you are.

And, yes, you may resist the pull, too — perhaps for years — but you’re resisting out of fear.

Fear is your ego trying to keep you safe. Trying to keep you playing small and in the known. Showering you with shoulds: Do this. Do that. And don’t take risks — ever.

Your Soul is loving. Never pushy. Always patient. 

Your Soul always wants the best for you and knows you’ll get there in your own time or when you’re tired of waiting. Tired of playing small. When the yearning hurts so much, your ego finally succumbs to the thought that maybe…maybe…there might be a better way. That maybe it was wrong — but takes no responsibility if things don’t work out. “You’re on your own,” says ego. THIS is a gift. For a moment, left without argument, you take a chance and leap.

…And your parachute opens wide. 

“You’re never alone,” says your Soul.

This is what happens when you want more, choose to love yourself more, and trust the pull of your heart.

No need for an inner battle or unbearable pain. Let love guide your way.

Feel into the difference for yourself…

Think of something you feel you “should” do but don’t really want to.

Now, feel into something you want to do (even if you’re afraid to do it).

Do you feel the difference — the push and the pull?
And notice the language I used, too.

Shoulds are something you think. You’re in your head, arguing with yourself. You look outside yourself for answers and solutions. You follow the ‘no-fail’ plans of others, none of which satisfy the yearning you feel inside. Shoulds and shouldn’ts can feel like guilt or shame.

Wants and desires are something you feel. You long for something to fill an ache inside — not something to fix you, but to heal you so you remember who you really are. So you come home to yourself and stand in your inner power. Something that makes your heart feel happy — not temporarily, but a lasting happiness. The kind of happiness you feel when you trust your intuition and follow through. When you say Yes and mean Yes, especially when that Yes is loving to you.

Following either a push or a pull can take courage. Sometimes, a lot of courage. And both can result in growth.

Following one will stop the pull. The other will make it stronger.

Only one will result in greater self-love, self-acceptance, and a sense of living your higher purpose.

How will you answer the pull?

I’m here to light your way and make your journey easier by helping you connect with your inner truth so you have the courage to follow your heart and create a life better than you’ve dared dream possible. 

Your Soul led you here for a reason.

It’s your time. And it’s your turn.

Book a call.



Life Mastery Special Interest Series

Get a higher perspective on ONE or ALL of these Special Interest Topics: LOVE, CLOSURE, RESILIENCE and TRUST.

Each topic contains 2 x 30-minute channeled messages in audio, video and .pdf formats previously shared in the Life Mastery Monthly Membership. Let The Soul Collective help you let go of fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs and remember your truth so you can confidently create the life you’ve always imagined.

Click HERE to purchase.