While looking for inspiration for today’s note, I did what I always do when I’m stumped; I opened my heart, mind and intuition then asked a question with curious wonder. In this case my question was, “What would be most helpful to share today?” (I’ll let you be the judge of whether or not I succeeded.)

Feeling stiff and tired (and very uninspired), I knew I had to get my body moving in order to get my energy flowing and raise my vibration from sluggish and stagnant to active and creative. Time to dance.

As I danced around my living room, I let my thinking brain relax. I just enjoyed the music and how great it felt to move my tired, Netflix-binge-watching muscles. All the while, I remained open to inspiration.

Moving around the space, I was enjoying all I’ve surrounded myself with — art pieces I’ve inherited from my parents, objects and books I’ve collected on my travels, and photos I’ve enlarged which hang by my desk. Every piece makes me smile, brings back enjoyable and loving memories, and inspires me toward more experiences that will make me feel similarly.

Emotions hold various levels of vibration (or frequency). Sadness is a low vibration. Happiness is a high vibration. So too, everything is made of energy therefore everything emits a frequency of vibration based on your relationship to it. You pick up on this energy even though you don’t usually realize it, like a radio dial picks up the frequency of a radio station as you tune into it.

Think of a time when you were scanning the radio stations and you came across a song you really liked. You thought, “Oh, I LOVE that song!” You immediately stopped searching, turned up the volume and your mood instantly shifted and lightened. Remember how that felt? Your energy shifted from a lower frequency to a higher frequency.

Thoughts, too, are vibrational. Your thoughts create feelings which affect your present state (mood). If you want to move forward in life and an object on a shelf creates a thought that makes you feel lacking in someway or it brings up a memory that reminds you of a time you’d rather forget, you’re not doing yourself any favours. You’re trying to step forward and your emotions are pulling you back, therefore nothing changes.

What (and who) you choose to surround yourself with affects the frequency you’re subconsciously tuning into. However, as soon as you make the subconscious conscious, you can make choices that support the frequency you want to be tuning into. In effect, you’re changing the station.

Imagine waking up every day in a home filled with items that uplift and inspire you toward the vision you have for yourself — the frequency of your heart’s desire. 

This week, why not take some time to look at the objects in your surroundings and notice what memories and thoughts they evoke? Are they serving your highest vision for yourself? If not, they might serve to inspire someone else.


Want help tuning into your heart’s desire? Let’s chat.