How often do you use an excuse, reason, obligation or justification to explain why you’re not where you want to be in your life, business or career?
Saying, “I can’t because…” or “I would, except I have to…” are signs you’re not in your power. You’re deferring your power to a situation or circumstance outside yourself. You’re giving your power to others instead of getting clear on what you want and taking action toward it.
It’s not easy to go after what you want because whenever you finally get clear on your desire, you then have to battle your fearful inner voice. The voice that says you can’t while at the same time tells you to do more affirmations, vision boards and meditations, making you believe if you only did more, you’d get there eventually. This is the same voice that came up with all the excuses and justifications in the first place. The same voice that created the belief that you can’t. The same voice that makes you feel there’s something broken and needs fixing. How’s that working for you?
And there are other voices, too:
- The voice in your head that tries to rationalize, explain, reason and think through your problems.
- The voice of your scared inner child who’s afraid of getting hurt again and will do everything in its power to keep you in your comfort zone.
- The voice of your well-meaning family and friends who can’t know how you really feel and who are trying to muddle their way through their own lives.
No wonder it’s so hard to go after what you want.
You can’t be happy if your heart isn’t happy.
In order to achieve a dream, you must listen to, trust and follow the voice of your Soul, your inner being, who planted the desire within your heart.
But how can you trust a voice you can’t hear or follow its guidance when your fearful self pushes back so hard?
Helping you hear your Soul’s voice is my specialty.
When you align with your Soul, everything gets easier and better.
You come home to yourself and back into your power with a clarity that gives you the courage to move forward.
Book a call and let’s chat about how I can best support you.
It’s your time, and it’s your turn.
Join me on Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 9am PDT, Noon EDT, 4pm GMT, for PEACE BALM: Soothe Yourself & The World, Transmit Harmony, Hope & Love.
PEACE BALM is a virtual guided meditation event to counteract the world’s chaos and open you to inspired actions bathed in Harmony, Hope and Love.
Learn More & Register HERE