We live in a world of contrasts: up/down, right/wrong, good/bad.

Even within a simple desire, you can have a contrasting feeling. You may think, I really want xyz, AND I’m afraid to go after it.

Your heart may want something, but your head comes up with all sorts of reasons why it’s not a good idea, leaving you confused and questioning yourself.

It’s not only your head that may disagree with your heart. Sometimes, you may want something strongly and decide you’ll do it. Just before you take the first step, your body throws you a curve ball: laryngitis, debilitating back pain, flu…something that slows you down or stops you completely.

We’re such beautifully complex creatures. We know what happiness feels like, yet we often hold ourselves apart from things that bring us joy. Why? Seriously … Why?

We give more importance to the voice of doubt, fear and shame than to the voice of love, joy and ease.

We care more about the judgement of others than what makes us feel good.

We give more weight to outside opinions than our own inner knowing.

Until you let how you feel matter most, you’ll live on the pendulum of contrast.

Try this…

Move your awareness to your heart and ask yourself:

How do I want to feel?
What is most loving to me?
What’s one way I can love myself more? What’s another?
I wonder how I can make this happen…

Let your heart lead the way, then let your brilliant mind come up with solutions to support your desire. No more contrast.

Balance, ease and flow.

Let the higher perspective of The Soul Collective shift your awareness and come back into the knowing of all that you truly are.

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Listen often. You’ll hear or experience something new every time.

Click the links below to learn more.
Higher perspective on LOVE
Higher perspective on CLOSURE
Higher perspective on RESILIENCE
Higher perspective on TRUST