If you’re like most people (80%), you’ve likely given up on your New Year’s resolutions by now. Add Blue Monday to that (yesterday; the day claimed to be the most depressing day of the year) and things may not be looking so good.
Does this sound familiar…?
Every time you want more for yourself or set a new goal for your business, you start out with great enthusiasm then soon find yourself doubting you can do it, decide it’s too hard, think people won’t want it or it will take too long to implement…so you procrastinate, stop trying and keep doing the same-old-same-old.
The result being that you’re not any fitter/healthier/wealthier… and you’re stuck in the same old routine and rut.
I don’t want that for you!
This slump in determination is simply your ego fighting back.
Your ego’s main job is to keep you safe.
Your ego only knows your capabilities based on your past actions which produced your past and current results.
Try to reach for more and it revs up shouting, “Hang on a minute! Why would you want that? Remember that time you failed?”
It doesn’t matter how long ago that failure was either; it will throw it in your face. Will it tout your successes? Oh no! Failures only. Right. In. Your. Face.
Here’s what I know for sure…
This is all part of the process.
The reason your ego is even showing up to try and stop you is because you’re daring to dream a bigger dream for yourself.
This is a good sign!
The work is overcoming your ego so you CAN get to your goal.
Believe me, I know this process very well.
I remember one time in particular; I was ready to make a big — I’m talking HUGE — transition. If I wanted what I believed I wanted, I would need to step into a version of myself FAR different than who I had been to that point.
I’d just come home from a retreat where I’d done a lot of energetic releasing and allowing in of what I really wanted to emerge. I was SO excited for what I wanted next. I remember walking through the airport toward my departure flight barely feeling the ground beneath my feet, as if with each step I was bouncing on a cloud!
Then it happened…
The day after I arrived home, I couldn’t get out of bed. I felt sick but with no symptoms. I was completely drained. Whereas on my flight home I had spent the entire six hours writing out thoughts and plans non-stop, now my brain was completely BLANK. I’d never experienced such a lack of thought. It was a very strange sensation.
I was physically, emotionally and mentally weak. I laid in bed like that for three full days. I was getting worried. I didn’t understand what was happening. My coach told me to trust the energy and allow it to move through me. Since I was too weak to resist her advice and had zero -— I mean z-e-r-o — ideas of what to do next anyway, I trusted that what was happening to me needed to happen.
Soon I had energy to move to the couch. I spent a week just watching movies. I began to notice my thoughts again and journaled about what was coming up. I’d learned enough mind-body tools by then that I could work through the pieces as they emerged.
Gradually, my energy began to shift until the day, two weeks after its onslaught, I awoke re-energized, re-inspired and ready to start taking baby steps toward my big goal.
I hadn’t given in. My dream was bigger than my resistance.
It seems that I go through this process about every six months — every time I want more for myself or my business — but thankfully to a much lesser degree. Not because my goals are smaller. Far from it. Because I trust the process more and I know how to move through it more quickly, always coming out the other side with more conviction and a clearer sense of purpose.
What I’ve learned is that it’s important to honour your energy and ALLOW it to work through you.
This is a deepening process moving you closer to fulfilling your purpose.
It’s a dying of the old so as to let the new be born. If you allow yourself to go through it, you always come out clearer and stronger on the side.
HOWEVER, this is also the time when most people give up.
They believe their ego voice (and the voice of other nay-sayers) and give in to their doubt and the resistance that is in front of them.
If you choose to believe in the dream (because it is a choice), and in your vision for what you’re feeling pulled toward, you can work through the resistance by releasing the resistance.
How do you do that?
By listening to your energy and what your inner voice wants most for you.
When you think about your desire, if it really excites you, you know you’re on the right path.
Never let the worry of not knowing how to do something stop you from sticking with it.
Your dreams are too important to let your ego (which often comes dressed as a lack of momentum or know-how) slow you down.
Trust in the dream and the “how’s” will fall into place.
How is your ego stopping you from following your dreams?
If you’re feeling stuck and are unsure of your next steps, let’s chat about how I can help get you moving forward again. I know plenty of tools and tricks that can jump-start your momentum and quiet your ego-resistance. Feel free to schedule a 30 minute no-obligation call here.