I talk a lot about dreams and desires left unfulfilled and creating a life without regret. Yet, those are often the result of one of the greatest causes of unhappiness — losing yourself amid your own life.

Your life is noisy.

Each day, you navigate:

    • responsibilities and commitments
    • a seemingly endless to-do list
    • many and varied roles: partner, parent/grandparent, child, boss/employee, sibling, friend, caregiver, teacher, mentor, student…
    • the news, social media, pop culture, gossip
    • conversations with others, both superficial and deep
    • self-talk, both positive and negative

It’s no wonder that, amid the noise of your day-to-day life, you’ve lost track of who you really are.

Who you really are often feels like an entirely different person than who you are now, IF you can remember that person at all.

Think back to a time when you were really happy. A time when life felt easy and free.

What did THAT person want?
What were THEIR dreams?
What did THEY enjoy doing?
How are YOU different now?

The present You may still want the same or similar things. Because what you’re really looking for is who you used to be.

The YOU who dared to dream with an inner knowing it was possible.
The YOU who was connected with your heart and trusted it would guide the way.
The YOU who knew who you were…and still are.

We all get lost amid the noise of our lives.

But you’re still in there — the True You.

You’re hiding behind cultural and societal scripts and expectations and self-imposed limitations. And your ego is desperately trying to keep you here, in the known, where it feels safe by telling you, “That’s life. You can’t get everything you wish.”

Oh, but what if you can?

Your ego is not the True You. Your ego is your personality — the persona you’ve created and developed to survive your circumstances.

Your ego fears getting hurt, being shamed, blamed, and made to feel wrong, unwanted, or undesirable. Its job is to protect the True You — or so it thinks. The ego’s real fear is dying. If you were to listen to the voice of the True You — your Soul — what becomes of IT? That’s why the closer you get to saying Yes to a dream, the more fearful you become. Ego tightens its grip and plays all its hands, throwing a barrage of confusion, doubt, and past hurt, and can even conjure illness — anything to slow you down or stop you. And if you do stop, your ego is delighted. It’s won again. It lives to play another day.

And your heart still aches.
And something still feels missing.
The True You.

Choice changes circumstance.

When you recognize your ego’s pattern, you can make a different choice.

Once you say Yes to the True You and Yes to your heart, your ego stands down. It’s in new territory.

Your Soul takes over.

Guides appear to help you navigate these unknown seas as you return to who you lost.

If you yearn for something more or different, the True You is calling you home.

We’re connected for a reason. Book a call.



Life Mastery Special Interest Series

Get a higher perspective on ONE or ALL of these Special Interest Topics: LOVE, CLOSURE, RESILIENCE and TRUST.

Each topic contains 2 x 30-minute channeled messages in audio, video and .pdf formats previously shared in the Life Mastery Monthly Membership. Let The Soul Collective help you let go of fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs and remember your truth so you can confidently create the life you’ve always imagined.

Click HERE to purchase.