by Carolin Rathbun | Sep 20, 2024 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life, Life Mastery
Who do you turn to for advice — your spouse, parent, BFF? When you want something more or different for yourself, whose voice do you hear in your head? Is it kind or critical? How much do you trust your intuition? How often do you follow it unquestioningly? At some...
by Carolin Rathbun | Sep 12, 2024 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life, Life Mastery
Channeling The Soul Collective has brought me so much clarity, and continually helps me make choices that lead me toward greater freedom and joy. But I’m not the only one it helps… I love hearing how those I’ve channeled for experience the wisdom...
by Carolin Rathbun | Aug 13, 2024 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life, Life Mastery
I never set out to be a channel (or admit it publicly!) But that’s the thing about life; you never know where it may lead or the gifts you’ll get when you’re willing to receive them. Ten years ago, when my life took a turn, it sent me on a journey of...
by Carolin Rathbun | Aug 7, 2024 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Why are your friends your friends? Why did your partner choose you, and you, them? Why do you do what you do? And why do you like, hate, or feel indifferent about it? Why are your past experiences hindering your present? Why do you keep revisiting old stories, and why...
by Carolin Rathbun | Jul 23, 2024 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
All there really is is NOW. The past is behind you, the future unknown. That’s why it’s important to not only be present and notice the gifts in your life NOW but also realize that if NOW is all there really is, it’s NOW that creates your desired...
by Carolin Rathbun | Jul 16, 2024 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life, Life Mastery
Every time I channel The Soul Collective (the voice of my Soul and yours), I gain a new awareness that shifts my thinking. The clarity, directness, and simplicity of their words change how I see life, which changes me. It brings me back to my own truth. I see how I...