by Carolin Rathbun | Jul 5, 2021 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
When thinking about your business and/or life — all you do, still need to do, and all the people involved — where do you place yourself and your needs? Think about all the choices you make on a daily basis, plus the goals you set and benchmarks you want to meet. Where...
by admin | May 31, 2021 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
The root of the word courage comes from the Latin word cor, meaning heart. With courage and heart so intrinsically intertwined, it’s no surprise that following your heart takes courage. It takes courage to step outside your comfort zone. To start something new...
by admin | May 18, 2021 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
As Einstein told us, time is an illusion. While we’ve all bought into the idea of a 24-hour day, and while the earth rotates on its axis creating daylight and darkness, time itself is not the linear ticking off of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years as...
by admin | Apr 27, 2021 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
So often in our businesses and lives, we try to figure things out. We look for the right way to do things then worry we’re doing them wrong. Often we feel we’re not putting in enough effort and need to work harder. That it’s our fault if things...
by admin | Mar 16, 2021 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Serendipities and co-incidences. Don’t you just love those?! One that stuck out for me last week came in an email from a business whose newsletter I rarely open, but last week did — and there was a reason I did… Near the end of the email was a quote...
by admin | Mar 9, 2021 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Every spring, I anxiously await the single sound that, to me, heralds in the season: the song of the robin. (I’m still waiting.) On my walks, I start looking for tiny white snowdrops, tips of daffodil leaves and crocus’ colourful Easter bonnets peeking out...