What’s one thing you’d love to do in your life or with your life? What’s holding you back? 

This is only one aspect we’re exploring this month in the Life Mastery Monthly Membership with our topic: Break Down Your Barriers To Love

Below is the transcript from Part 1 of this two-part channelled message from The Soul Collective.
Part 2 drops Wednesday January 26, 2025.
Join today so you don’t miss out.


Channelled message from The Soul Collective on Break Down Your Barriers To Love:

Watch the video version with intro HERE

Greetings. We are so pleased and delighted to be with you today on this fine and glorious day indeed. And indeed it is a fine day whenever you tune into your heart, tune into your Soul, and tune into your inner whispers, for therein lies your guidance. For therein lies your answers.


But it is hard for you to hear your heart, to hear your Soul’s voice, and that is why we are here. To help guide you into the knowing of all that you are. To help you remember the truth of who you are. To help you remember all the gifts that you came with. To help you remember you came here for joy. You came here to love your life.You came here to create and create and create.


You are creators. And we are here to help you remember that so you can deliberately and consciously create the life you have always desired.


Yet, you hold yourself back. You are afraid. You are worried. You have responsibilities that, you say to yourself, keep you apart from doing all that you love. From following your joy, From following your bliss. From creating the life you’ve always envisioned. And we are here to say to you, these are stories you are telling yourself.


These are beliefs you have created within yourself by watching the experience of others, and by your own experience. You have learned to shut yourself off in various ways. To hide your gifts. To hide yourself. To not show up fully. To be fearful of others’ judgment. To begin to believe that you can’t have what you want, because perhaps you’ve not seen others do it, or you think only certain people can do it. They have to be born with a certain family or a certain privilege, and then you would be able to do it. But you don’t have those things so you can’t do it. Well, that is just a belief you have created within yourself. And we are here to tell you it is not true. Not true at all.


So, how do you come back into the knowing of all that you are?


How do you drop away those beliefs and break down those barriers to love? Because love is what we are talking about. Loving yourself. Loving your life. Loving those in your life. Loving every aspect of your being. Loving every moment of your day. Loving creating the life you desire.


Love the creation step.


You sit there with a desire in your life. You feel like you want something so desperately and you don’t know how to get it. You have no idea how to get it. You have ideas but they’re not going to work for you because of whatever reason you tell yourself. We are here to tell you to get into creation mode.


Follow those whispers of joy.
Follow those sparks of inspiration.
Follow the light that lights you up and stop listening to the fearful voices.


If you ever, ever, ever hear yourself say that you cannot do something, notice that is the fearful part of you speaking. It is not the Soul part of you, the higher part of you, the inner being, your higher guidance. It is not that part of you.


Your inner guidance, your inner being, your Soul will never tell you you cannot do something that you want to do. So, right off that bat right, in that moment, notice that when you say you cannot do something or think you cannot do something or believe you cannot do something, it is simply a story you’re telling yourself. It is not the truth of who you are.


The truth of who you are is you are a creative being. You can deliberately create from your inspiration, from your vision, from your dreams and from your wanting.


When you are wanting something, you are feeling that there’s this discord between where you are and where you want to be. But so many of you focus on what you don’t have while you are in the wanting phase that you hold yourself from what you can create. So, how can you shift from disbelief, from fear, from judging yourself, from listening to the judgment of others to trusting and knowing that as you are being led forward in your life by what it is that lights you up, that is the path you are to walk.


How do you break down these barriers to love? Because it is love that is coaxing you forward. It is love that is leading the way. It is love that is helping you find happiness and joy and freedom and bliss in every area of your life. So we’ll simplify it for you.


There is fear and there is love.


If you are not in a place where you are experiencing what you want to experience, you are in fear. You are living in lack. You are feeling like you cannot have something. And when you are moving toward what it is you want, it feels better and better and better.


Every step you take is exciting. It is enticing. You feel like you are being led forward. You are being drawn by something invisible. Something exciting. Something that makes you feel like you’re getting closer to your dream. And even if you can’t see the end of the story, which you almost always never can, you feel within yourself when you are being led and when you are stepping in the right direction. You can feel yourself feeling lighter. Feeling more at ease. Things feel easier. You feel happier.


And we understand that taking that first step towards something that you want and letting go of all these stories that you’ve been telling yourself, these crutches that you’ve been holding on to so tightly of why you can’t have what you want, they are like a security blanket, and you’re afraid to put it down because you’re comfortable where you are.


But yet you want something, you want something more, love is leading you forward. Love of life. Love of yourself. Love of creating. Creation of your own desire, your own skills.


And we understand it’s hard to put down the crutches and take your first step. It’s hard to let go of the security blanket and step out without that shield of protection around you. But we assure you, when you take that step towards something you love, something that you know within your innermost self will make you feel more happy, you can take that first step a little more easily.


Trust your inner guidance will guide you to the next step and the next step and the next step, without ever knowing how it’s going to fully turn out. Because as you begin to take those steps toward what it is you want, doors will begin to open that you didn’t even know were there. People will show up that you didn’t even know existed. Opportunities will come to you that you would have never thought of on your own.


And it’s the fear that holds you back. You think you’re not going to be able to figure it out. Well, we’re here to tell you, you don’t need to figure it out. You need to feel it out.


You need to feel your way to greater joy. You need to feel your way to the life you love. You need to feel your way to joy and happiness and bliss and freedom and peace.


So how do you begin to break down those barriers to love?


Well, we have already begun to share that; by how you feel.


If you are wanting something and you have wanted it for a very long time and you’re not seeing it in your experience, you are thinking you cannot have it and you keep saying to yourself, “I cannot have it. I’ll never have it. It’s not going to show up for me. It shows up for others, but it doesn’t show up for me. I’ve tried all these things and it’s not showing up for me,” you are putting up a barrier to love, to joy, to freedom and bliss and harmony and peace. You are holding yourself back. You are standing behind a closed door; the door of possibilities. And if you were to put your hand on the door of possibilities .. put it on the doorknob and turn the knob, and start to open that door of possibilities, it’s like you are opening a door into another land. Into a land that looks like how you’ve imagined it to look. And the only way you can get through that door fully, with ease, is to stop the stories you’re telling yourself.


Look through that door and what do you see?


You see that it’s possible. It’s there. And all you need to do is drop all the stories you have in your backpack that are weighing you down, that are holding you back — the voices in your head that are yours or someone else’s that say you can’t — put them all into a backpack and leave it on the ground and walk through the door.


Feel how much lighter you feel.


You’re leaving all that behind. It doesn’t need to come with you. Those are old stories. Those are old beliefs. Those are old thoughts. And you’re going to think new thoughts. You’re going to think new thoughts that you are the deliberate creator of your life. And you know that, because you are living a life. And what you are living is your creation. By all the choices and decisions you’ve made up to this moment, you have created where you are right now. So you are capable of creating the next thing. And the first step is in knowing that it is possible. Knowing that you can make a different choice. A new choice. A bolder choice. A choice that feels good. That lights you up. That takes no one else into consideration but you, because it is your life you are living. And you going forward toward what you want, toward what will bring you the most joy and that will be the most fulfilling for you is going to light up the world in ways that can never be lit up if you were to hide behind that door, sitting on the ground with a heavy backpack on your back, filled with excuses and doubts and judgments, sadness and depression, fear. They will never let you through that door. All those excuses are holding you back. You will never get through.


It is only you that can take off the backpack and leave it on the ground. It is only you that can turn the doorknob and open the door. It is only you that can take the first step through it. And it is your choice whether you leave the door open behind you or you close it tight and start fresh. Feel into what feels good for you.


What choice will help you get where you want to go?
What do you need to stop doing?
Who do you need to stop pretending to be in order to be all that you are?
What part of you are you hiding so you can please someone else?


Feel into that part and feel how good it would be, how good it would feel to integrate that into the new you.


The new you who knows you are the creator of your reality. Who knows you can break down any barrier to love. That you can let love flow in through every aspect of your life because love lights you up.


When you love yourself more, you make choices that will make you feel good in every aspect of your life, whether it’s your work, your career, your physical being, your relationships, your hobbies, your finances.


Ask yourself, “How would it feel if I loved myself more when it came to my finances?” Would that change the choices you make? The decisions you make? “What is most loving to me in regards to my money, to the decisions I make? What is the most loving to me; my Soul, my inner guidance? What will align me with my vision for my life? What will make me feel the most joyful, at ease, at peace with myself?” And make your decisions from that place. Get into that feeling first. Get into the feeling of what it is you truly want. What is that feeling you want to feel, regardless of what it is you’re wanting to buy? If you’re talking about money, what is the way you want to feel? Let that guide your choices, and your decisions, and your actions.


Always, always, always start with a feeling first and that will help you break down any barriers. It will dissolve the barriers because you are leading with love. It’s the same with any aspect of your life.


When you lead with love, love leads the way.


Ask love to guide you.


Feel into your heart right now. Is there any part of you that’s afraid to go after your dream? Ask that part of you, How can I love you more? How can I love away your fears? What are you afraid of? And let love lead the way.


Keep your eye on the horizon. Keep your eyes focused on the possibilities, and remember always that you are the creator of your reality.


You create with your choices. You create with your words. You create with your actions. But mostly, you create with your feeling, because that is your guidance system. It will help you make the choices and take the actions that will get you the feeling you are looking for.


Fear holds you back. It is a wall, a cage, a jail, a barrier to all that you are and all that you can have, and all that you create.


And we know it can be scary to take those first steps. So think back to another time in your life when you decide to make a choice for you; when you decided to make a choice that felt good for you, and stay with that feeling. Don’t think about what happened when you made the choice or who said what or anything like that. Connect with that feeling. Feel how free you felt when you made a choice for you. A choice that supported your life. Supported your joy. Supported who you are. And you know that because it felt good, it felt like it lit you up. You felt on fire inside. You felt excited. You felt inspired. You felt like you had so much energy. And you went after that idea. What doors opened after that?


Feel into the strength you had in that moment and take this next step.


Put down that backpack full of weight. That heavy backpack of burdens. All those judgments. All that negative self-talk. All those voices from others that you have clung onto and made your own belief, your self-belief, and hear us instead.


Listen to our voice as the voice in your head. Make ours be the dominant voice:


You are created from love. You have the power to create whatever you desire, because you have within you the power to create worlds. You are Source energy. You are energy more than you are physicality. And as you raise your vibration, as you choose love and joy and happiness and freedom and bliss and peace and harmony as your desired feelings, believe you are worthy of them. We are telling you you are worthy of them because you are love and peace and harmony and freedom and bliss. It is who you are. It is who you are at your core. That’s why you feel bad when you are not following your joy, because you are not in alignment with who you are.


So if you want to be all that you are… If you want to feel the freedom and joy of a heart-led, soul-aligned life, you first have to start with how you want to feel.


You are love. You are made of love. You are vibrationally love. Anything that holds you back from that makes you feel bad.


So, if you want to feel good, start moving toward love. Start moving toward happiness. Start moving towards joy. Even start moving toward hope.


Let hope be your first step, let possibility be a step, let wonder be a step, let curiosity guide you forward and you won’t need to break through any barriers. They will just dissolve.


Put down that satchel that you’ve been carrying around that’s so heavy and weighted. Leave it behind you. You don’t need it anymore. Those are old stories. Those are old beliefs. You’re going to start creating new beliefs. “I am the creator of my reality, you begin to say to yourself, over and over. I am the creator of my reality. I have created my life up to this moment, and I’m going to keep creating my life. Except this time, I’m going to be consciously aware of how I want to feel, and how I want to feel is joy, is happiness, is love, is freedom and peace and harmony and bliss. And I’m going to let that help me make my choices, help me make my decisions, help me take my next steps.” This is what you say to yourself. “I am worthy and deserving of all that I can have, all that I desire, and what I desire is to feel at peace. To feel joy. To feel excited. To feel curious and creative. To feel inspired and enlightened and happy. Joyful. Free. And I’m going to let that guide my choices because that’s what I came for. That’s what we all came for.” This is what you say to yourself. These are your new beliefs. These will help you get what you want. These will line you up with the energy that creates worlds.


As you put out the vibration of what it is you want, how you want to feel and start taking action toward it, serendipities and coincidences will start to happen that will surprise and delight you, because they’re not serendipities and coincidences at all. You are just simply lining up with your desire. You are following the energy and the energy is being drawn toward you of what it is you want. The more you stay in alignment with how you want to feel and let how you want to feel lead the way, the easier and more joyful your experience will be, and before you know it you’ll be living that life.You’ll be enjoying that life. You’ll be satiated by that life. And then it will spark a desire for something else, something new, and the process begins again. Except now, you are wiser.


Now you understand that you follow that light of inspiration. You follow that light of joy. You follow those steps. You listen to your Soul guidance. You listen to those inner whispers. You trust you are being led because it feels good. You feel happier. You feel excited. You feel curious, feel inspired. And that’s the kind of life you create, one where you feel happy and joyful and free and inspired and creative. Isn’t that the life you would like? So, why wouldn’t you follow follow those inspirations?


If you want a life of joy and freedom and bliss and happiness and creativity and inspiration, you’re not going to get it by huddling in fear. By saying No to the creativity. By saying No to the inspiration. By saying No to the love that is guiding you forward. By saying No to your curiosity. You will stay in the same place wondering why it’s not coming to you. Because you have to follow it. You have to feel it. You have to notice it. You have to know that you are the creator of your reality and this is the inspiration that is guiding you forward. And if you want something different, you have to follow it.


So, what is it that’s inspiring you?


How is love drawing you forward?


Leave the satchel behind. Turn the doorknob to a new future, a new present moment.


In this very moment you can choose your next step. You can choose your next thought, your next belief, the next words that come out of your mouth that are in alignment with the way you want to feel and how you want to feel in your life going forward.


It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it’s in alignment with how you want to feel.


If your first step will make you feel a little lighter once you’ve taken it… If you know it is leading you towards greater joy… If you know you will feel more free and at ease, then take the step.


We say to you again: You are made of love. You are the vibration of Source energy in physical form. You are here to create the life you love.


We are here to remind you of your truth. To remind you of your wholeness. To be your cheerleaders. To cheer you on the way. To help you break down those barriers to love. And those barriers are inside you, in your beliefs, in your thoughts, in the words you say to yourself and the words you say to others about why you can’t. Those are your biggest barriers of all.


We are here to remind you you are more than you will ever realize, and everything you are desiring, the feelings you want to feel are so possible for you in this very moment. And the things you are desiring can be drawn to you faster than you can imagine once you align with how you want to fee, align with the vision and follow your curiosity and your creativity and your inspiration.


Follow what lights you up. Follow what makes you feel lighter and more free. Follow your joy. Follow your bliss.Follow what will make you feel at peace and at harmony; harmony with your inner self. Remember the love that you are. Feel in harmony with the love that you are. That’s what we mean by following your bliss. What feels like you? What feels right to you? And no one else needs to give their opinion. They are the creator of their life, and you are the creator of yours. Your paths may cross for a short time or a long time. You may co-create with them for a while or a long time. And there are many others out there who you can co-create with.


As you begin to follow your joy, you bump into others who are following theirs, and together you can create something new.


But remember, let love lead the way. Let your inner guidance lead the way. Let the joy lead the way. Let your curiosity and inspiration lead the way. Feel the freedom of that now.


Put down that backpack filled with old stories, old beliefs, and turn that doorknob to a brighter, happier, more joyful, more delightful future that you love. And it starts now because that is where you are living, in the Now moment. In every Now moment. And in every Now moment is your opportunity to make that next choice.


It begins now, and we are here with you always.


We love you so very, very much. You have no idea how much you are loved and supported by the Universe, by the energy that creates worlds because it is a part of you.


As you expand, we expand and love expands.


You are here to be all that you are. To love your life fully. So, let this moment change everything.


We love you so very, very much. And with that, dear friends, we are complete.

This is a transcript of a message Carolin Rathbun channelled from The Soul Collective in February 2025 for the Life Mastery Monthly Membership. Get more messages like this to help you master your life HERE