The Latest From Carolin
Did you see THIS?! 💕
If you're looking for something more, better or different in your life, can't seem to make it happen (fear of change keeps holding you...
Find the Courage to Uplevel your Life
What does it mean to uplevel your life? It means you recognize you want something more, better or different, and you're ready and willing...
The Challenge of Trust
Trust: How much do you trust it? Do you trust that the dreams in your heart are yours for a reason? When you decide to take a leap of...
TWO Biggest Hurdles to Change (& How to Get Over Them with Ease)
When it comes to making any change in life, there are two main hurdles that trip us up. We either learn to overcome them, which can take...
Take Gratitude Deeper — Here’s Why…
Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day in Canada. While I try to be mindful of all there is to be grateful for in the world and my life, these...
How to create a more balanced life
We live in a world of contrasts: up/down, right/wrong, good/bad. Even within a simple desire, you can have a contrasting feeling. You may...
Let’s Do This!
TODAY's the last day to join Conversations With Your Soul: What your Soul wants you to know about LOVE, ABUNDANCE, WEALTH, HAPPINESS and...
How would your life be different?
Take a moment to consider each of these questions... What would change if you had more love in your life? What if you could attract more...
I want THIS for YOU… 🥰
What I know for sure is that following my inner guidance is WAAAAY easier and much more successful than using my head to figure out what...
A FREE Gift from your Soul (and Me!) 🎁
Do you want more love in your life? Whether it's a (more) loving relationship(s), better self-love, work you love, or how to be a more...
At some point, THIS will happen…
Who do you turn to for advice — your spouse, parent, BFF? When you want something more or different for yourself, whose voice do you hear...
The sweetness of Being You
Italians have a saying, la dolce far niente, the sweetness of doing nothing. I love this saying because, for most of us in the Western...
What happens to you when you hear your Soul?
Channeling The Soul Collective has brought me so much clarity, and continually helps me make choices that lead me toward greater freedom...
You’re Invited! Join me for this ALL NEW course ❤️
We all want something more in one or more areas of our lives. But, more often than not, we hold ourselves back. Sometimes for years....
How anything (and everything) can inform your life
This morning, I was inspired to listen to a few recordings I made almost two years ago while traveling in Bhutan. One particular recording...
What does living a guided life look like?
Today marks 3 YEARS since I began living my lifelong dream of traveling indefinitely and without a plan except to follow my heart and the...
Find more JOY in your life
I never set out to be a channel (or admit it publicly!) But that's the thing about life; you never know where it may lead or the gifts...
The search for your Purpose is OVER
Why are your friends your friends? Why did your partner choose you, and you, them? Why do you do what you do? And why do you like, hate,...
Ignite your inner Olympic torch
You likely watched the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics in Paris this past week or saw the highlights. Thomas Jolly, the artistic...
The Importance of NOW — BEYOND Gratitude
All there really is is NOW. The past is behind you, the future unknown. That's why it's important to not only be present and notice the...

My name’s Carolin Rathbun. I believe a happy life is one in which you continually listen to and follow your heart. Because when your heart is happy, so are you. It's an indication you're in alignment with your Soul.
I invite you to explore my website. You'll find spiritual guidance with practical tools to help you reconnect with your deepest desires and create the life you’ve always imagined.
It's time to feel the freedom and joy of a heart-led, Soul-aligned life.

Your Soul is always speaking. Can you hear it?
Connect with your inner voice and start living the life of your dreams!
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Each week I share thoughts, tips and tools to help you be heartfully happy in business and life. This is also where you can find out about new courses, sales and free goodies. Subscribe today!