The Latest From Carolin
Excuse my RANT
I have to get this off my chest... It drives me crazy when people are afraid to be fully themselves. When they don't trust their Soul's...
How to (Really) Manifest Your Dreams
How often do you use an excuse, reason, obligation or justification to explain why you're not where you want to be in your life, business...
Join Me for PEACE BALM
If the current turmoil in the world has you worried, scared and bracing for whatever's coming next, then this event is for YOU. Join me on...
The Power of YOU (& US)
Knowing what to do in times of upheaval and chaos can be challenging, especially when you're worried and fearful of the unknown. Emotions...
Break Down Your Barriers To Love
What's one thing you'd love to do in your life or with your life? What's holding you back? This is only one aspect we're exploring this...
What’s beyond the Law of Attraction?
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? If so, how's it working for you? You may understand the basic premise — that which I think about...
Join me February 19 for this timely and enlightening event
A lot is happening in the world right now. It's scary when so much change is out of your control. Couple that with other challenges you...
Join Me for a Conversation With Your Soul
Many people are feeling uneasy about the times we're currently living in. How about you? Whether it's financial uncertainty, climate...
No more excuses. Freedom, ease and joy await…
"I don't have enough time." "I don't have enough money." "I'll never stick with it." "I'm too old (or too young)." "It won't change...
Your Oh-Zone awaits (& you’ll LOVE it!)
What does FREEDOM mean to you? Freedom of choice in your career, job and relationships. Freedom of time to do what you want when you want....
Join Me Next Week for PATHWAY TO FREEDOM
What if — in 15 days — you could: Break Free of Old Patterns: Unpack boxed-in thinking and see yourself through different eyes Discover,...
Your Soul has a message for YOU today…
Before writing to you today, I tuned into The Soul Collective and asked what our Souls want us to know about my upcoming program, Pathway...
You’re INVITED — Let’s Kickstart 2025!
Beginning January 27, 2025, I'm hosting an online, 15-day adventure called Pathway To Freedom, designed to help you kickstart 2025 with...
Turning lemons into chocolate 😋
This past week, I've been enjoying Swiss Christmas markets in Zurich and Lucerne. In every main square, rows of little huts like pop-up...
It’s time to stop dreaming and make it your reality
What's one thing you'd like to do, experience, or live every day? What's another? How long have you been wishing and waiting? It's time to...
This is MUCH MORE than it seems… Act SOON!
If you're looking for something more, better or different in your life, can't seem to make it happen (fear of change keeps holding you...
Your Soul’s greatest wish for you…
Your Soul's greatest wish for you is to remember your truth and live it wholeheartedly. What does that mean? It means to: Accept who you...
When you’re ready to let go … but can’t
Wouldn't it be great to master your life? To stop worrying about every little thing? To have tools and techniques you can easily apply...
How to be ALL you REALLY are
In my upcoming mastermind, Heartfully YOU, I'll guide participants to become more of who they really are. What does that mean exactly?...
How to Honour Who You Are
At 16 years old, I began to dream of travel. I imagined backpacking around Europe when I graduated college. However, when the time came, I...

My name’s Carolin Rathbun. I believe a happy life is one in which you continually listen to and follow your heart. Because when your heart is happy, so are you. It's an indication you're in alignment with your Soul.
I invite you to explore my website. You'll find spiritual guidance with practical tools to help you reconnect with your deepest desires and create the life you’ve always imagined.
It's time to feel the freedom and joy of a heart-led, Soul-aligned life.

Your Soul is always speaking. Can you hear it?
Connect with your inner voice and start living the life of your dreams!
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Each week I share thoughts, tips and tools to help you be heartfully happy in business and life. This is also where you can find out about new courses, sales and free goodies. Subscribe today!