The Latest From Carolin

Join Me for PEACE BALM

Join Me for PEACE BALM

If the current turmoil in the world has you worried, scared and bracing for whatever's coming next, then this event is for YOU. Join me on...

Join Me for PEACE BALM

The Power of YOU (& US)

Knowing what to do in times of upheaval and chaos can be challenging, especially when you're worried and fearful of the unknown. Emotions...

My name’s Carolin Rathbun. I believe a happy life is one in which you continually listen to and follow your heart. Because when your heart is happy, so are you. It's an indication you're in alignment with your Soul. 

I invite you to explore my website. You'll find spiritual guidance with practical tools to help you reconnect with your deepest desires and create the life you’ve always imagined. 

It's time to feel the freedom and joy of a heart-led, Soul-aligned life. 

Your Soul is always speaking. Can you hear it?

Connect with your inner voice and start living the life of your dreams!

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Each week I share thoughts, tips and tools to help you be heartfully happy in business and life. This is also where you can find out about new courses, sales and free goodies. Subscribe today!