by admin | Nov 3, 2020 | Happy in Life
Long before the global pandemic and on every day of the calendar including October 31st, you awake in the morning already wearing the mask you’ve decided to spend your life peering through. Like a method actor, you’re (literally) walking around in the skin...
by admin | Sep 15, 2020 | Life Lessons & Business Insight
How often do you come to a full stop in your day, week or life? Do you rush through your day and year anxious to get to the next thing and achieve the next goal or do you regularly take time to stop and enjoy where you are? Coming to a full stop – voluntarily or...
by admin | Aug 4, 2020 | Happy In Business
How are you showing up these days—for yourself and/or your clients? Are you hiding behind fears? Are you worried about judgment? Are you feeling the need to learn more first? I get it. If you're an introvert like me, it can be especially difficult to show up at all....
by admin | Jul 9, 2020 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Do you have a yearning for something more—maybe something you can’t even name? You have an inner knowing that out there, somewhere, is more. Better. Or perhaps you have a specific dream; something you’ve longed for and are waiting for...
by admin | Jul 7, 2020 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
There’s one common quality I see in the people I work with: bravery. They have a vision for something more, have decided to go after it and are looking for tools to help them get there. If that’s you, I honour your courage to go after your dream. Because...