by admin | Feb 20, 2019 | Happy In Business
Growing up you were told to look both ways when crossing streets, do your homework, come in when the street lights come on, and don’t eat yellow snow. Following rules kept you safe, got you praise, kept you in favour and helped you stay healthy. Rules are...
by admin | Dec 3, 2018 | Happy In Business
As an entrepreneur, it’s your business to stay on top of your business. However, all the doing that needs to be done often makes you lose focus on why you started your business in the first place. Take a moment and think back. What was your initial inspiration?...
by admin | Nov 12, 2018 | Trail Wisdom
Some of my most profound a-ha’s, insights and demonstrations of the lessons I most needed to learn have been revealed to me through nature, including the creatures that dwell within it. Living in a busy city can make communing with nature difficult which is why...
by admin | Oct 18, 2018 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Passion. We all want it and we want it to last forever. Why? Because it feels SO GREAT! When you’re filled with passion, you’re energetic. You’re full of vigour and have an unsquelchable zest for life. You are sunshine personified. You’re...
by admin | May 10, 2018 | Happy In Business, Happy in Life
Ikigai. Scopo. Kumu. Raison d’être. Injongo. In every country, in every language, we’re all looking for it — the elusive “thing” that is unique to us and which has the capability to fuel us to our dying day. In English, we use many words and...