If each of us is supposed to be the leading lady or leading man in our own life, how would you classify your movie? Is it a drama? Comedy? Horror or sci-fi? Maybe you’re starring in a sit-com or medical program.

Whatever your situation right now, this is YOUR reality show. But you’re also the script writer. What will your hero do next?

We’re all on our own Hero’s Journey.

Life shows us what we’re meant to learn, and if we’re paying attention and want more for ourselves, we sum up the courage and accept the challenge.

Perhaps you’re at the start of your journey, just realizing you want something more and are ready to take on the challenge to find it. Perhaps you’re in the middle of the tough stuff — the battle, climbing the mountain, lost in the cave. Perhaps you’re at the end — you’ve found the elixir (a.k.a. learned the lesson) and are ready to share what you’ve discovered with others. 

I know this process well.

I’ve journeyed through the dense fog. I’ve taken the long path through the dark woods. I’ve climbed the steep mountain and swam hard upstream. And I found what I was seeking — the lesson that was meant for me to discover. But I didn’t do it alone. No-one does; not Frodo, not Dorothy, not even Wonder Woman.

Every Hero’s Journey requires a mentor; someone to point you in the right direction, give you a magic tool or two, and warn you of the dangers. I’ve encountered many mentors on my journey who have lightened my load and eased my burdens. It is because of their wisdom and guidance that I discovered my treasure.

As Glinda The Good Witch in the Wizard Of Oz said to Dorothy after her long and arduous journey: You’ve always had the power…you had to learn it for yourself.

Once the hero arrives home, it is their duty to share their discovery with others, and so I take on that challenge too. I am here to share what I’ve learned so far, knowing I’ll keep seeking the next path, mountain and stream because I am a seeker on a journey to become my best self, and that journey never ends.

I believe that for those of us determined to find our true purpose — isn’t that the ultimate treasure we each seek? — live our lives as a dance between hero and mentor. We’re seeking and sharing and seeking and sharing, and all the while growing into wiser mentors and stronger heroes.

More and more people are standing up and taking on the challenge. They’re in the process of their own hero’s journey. Some are at the start, some are at the end, with many are in the middle.

My commitment to you is to share what I’ve learned and continue to learn. My hope is to be a wise mentor that you find at the right time in your journey.

My purpose — the thing that gets me out of bed each morning — is to encourage people to believe in themselves so they own our value and all they have to offer to the world. THAT, my friends, is the power I’ve had all along. THAT is what I had to learn for myself. And that is the guidance I offer to you, along with some invaluable tools that I’ve stuffed into my satchel along the way; the most valuable being how to be your guide in finding YOUR heart purpose. (More about that here)

When you’re brave enough to cast yourself in the role of hero in your own life’s journey, the greatest award you will ever receive is that of leading lady or leading man in a very fulfilling life, heartfully happy life.

And the Oscar goes to…