While the season of joy is upon us, there may be reasons that you feel anything but joyful. Perhaps your loved ones are far away. Perhaps there’s an empty chair at your table this year. Maybe you’re struggling financially or spiritually.
It can be hard to buy into the joyous season when it feels like there’s a hole in the cup that’s meant to runneth over.
Or perhaps you do feel joyful but know someone who isn’t.
The holidays bring up memories of past times, which stir up feelings from nostalgia to hope, regret to fulfillment, and sadness to love.
It’s only when we find the joy within that we’re truly happy. And it’s when our hearts are happy that our joy can be fully shared.
Regardless of where you sit on the joy scale at the moment, here’s a small practice to help fill yourself up so you feel good and can tap into the love this season is meant to remind us of:
Step 1:
Acknowledge your painful parts. Where in your body are you hurting? Is your stomach uneasy? Ask it why? Have a dialogue with it. Is your heart aching? Ask it for its honesty. It’s only when we acknowledge where we are, rather than push it away and pretend we’re okay, that we can move on. All of your feelings are valid. They’re part of who you are. It’s only from where you are that you can move forward. Once you’ve acknowledged your pain, thank each part for its honesty and trust. Say to each part, “I see you, and I love you.”
Step 2:
Write each painful part a little love note from your soul. Tell it the truth as your soul knows it. Need help? Click here or here.
Step 3:
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Repeat three times. Now imagine Love –– a big Love with a capital L…heck, capitalize it all, LOVE — slowly filling you up. Let it fill every part of you, even the parts you feel are unloveable, because LOVE knows no boundaries.
Step 4:
Repeat this affirmation until you feel it in your whole body. Let it fill your heart: I am whole. I am perfect. I am loveable. I am Me. Or you might want to try this.
As The Soul Collective said in a recent message:
“You are worthy and deserving of so much love and joy and happiness. It is how we see you. It is how we love you. And it is who you are.”
Hear and/or read their full message on Happiness here (it’s free).
Before you can share the joy with others, you must feel it within. It’s not only a gift to you; it’s a gift to the whole world. And you have so much to offer.
With love, joy and heartful happiness, I wish you a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season. ❤️
Looking for a special gift this holiday season?
May I suggest my Love Notes From Your Soul book? It’s filled with 53 inspirational messages your Soul wants you to know — one for every week of the year, plus one for good luck.
Accompanying each Note you’ll find a full colour photograph of a window or door taken by me during my travels. Why windows and doors? Because your eyes are the windows to your Soul, and your heart is the doorway.
Allow each message and photo to open your heart and help you reconnect with the truth of who you are.
This book is perfect as a daily boost, a weekly focus, or a quick pick-me-up whenever you need a little reminder of your perfection.
Treat your loved ones (and yourself) with a gift that keeps on giving.
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