If you’re reading this, it likely means you want to live a more soul-led life. You want to live your life in alignment with your inner being and higher purpose.

Riddle me this: Can you live a soul-led, purpose-filled life if your life is so busy, hectic and ‘noisy’ that you can’t or don’t hear your Soul?

Five signs you’re ignoring (or not hearing) your Soul: 

1. You feel frustrated by the littlest things.

Something happens and it feels like one more thing you have to deal with on a list that is already filled and overflowing. “Why this?”, “Why me?”, and “Why now?” lead your self-talk.

2. You resent the people you love the most.

If it weren’t for them and their needs, you’d be happy.

3. You’re looking for your purpose.

You’re in search of some sort of job or career or hobby that will finally make you feel fulfilled. Find it and all your problems will be solved.

4. You’re generally unhappy, are often on the verge of crying, or cry very easily with the added feeling of hopelessness or despair.

It feels like you keep showing up for life but nothing changes. You wonder why things don’t seem to improve.

5. You blame others for your circumstances.

It’s because of them that you can’t make a change; they wouldn’t like it. Changing your world will affect them and they would resist any attempts you make to change their world, so why bother? It’s not worth the effort.

…and those are just five signs. There are many more.

When you have feelings such as frustration, despair, resentment, anger, blame, shame, judgement, fear, sadness etc., you feel lost and alone because you’re not connected with your Soul. You’re in your head trying to figure it all out. You’re wondering what to do, when it will end, how to fix it, why someone won’t help you. You vent to your friends and ask their opinions then don’t like what you hear so you ask a few more.

Yet your Soul is always speaking to you if you choose to listen. In your heart, you know what to do because your Soul speaks through your heart.

When you feel hopeful, upbeat, cheerful, joyful, excited, playful, happy and loving, you’re living in alignment with your Soul; your true self. The happier and lighter your heart feels, the more you’re in tune with your Soul because who you are naturally is happy, joyful, playful and loving.

The farther away you are from these and other positive feelings, the less YOU you have in your life which is why you feel bad.

When the choices you make make you feel good, you’re choosing a soul-aligned life.

Whether you’re feeling positive or negative emotions — especially if you’re feeling negative emotions — tune into your heart, hear what your Soul is telling you, and (here’s the hard part) trust it knows what’s best for you.

Your Soul has all the answers you need.

Living a heartfully happy, soul-led life is having the courage to trust your inner wisdom.

What’s one thing your Soul is trying to tell you right now? Tune into your heart and listen.

If you’re ready to start listening to and trusting the whispers of your heart but aren’t sure how to begin or you’d like some guidance, I invite you to take my on-demand course called, Write To Your Heart. It will help set you on the path to a heartfully happy life. To learn more, click here

If you’d like to work with me one-on-one, send me an email and we’ll set up a time to chat about what that can look like; no obligation.