Why is it that when we see young children playing and laughing, we stop and watch? We can’t help but smile and laugh ourselves. Their innocence is such a joy to see. If you’re paying attention, you notice your spirit lift. You might silently reminisce about your own childhood and long for days when life felt more carefree, wondering why life as an adult has to be so hard.

You might long for a vacation so you can reconnect with that feeling of freedom and ease, if only for two weeks a year.

To become the adult you are today, you’ve unconsciously pushed aside “childish” traits in order to fit into your family, school, culture and society. To feel accepted and loved, you learned what was appropriate behaviour and conformed to the norms required.

It’s part of growing up.

Yet doing so makes each of us feel like we’re lacking something so we begin looking outward for ways to feel whole and happy; the perfect partner, a fulfilling career, enough money… We might numb the pain with food, alcohol or a number of other unhealthy distractions, yet nothing quite seems to fill the void.

Happiness is an inside job.

It’s about reconnecting with your hidden parts and reintegrating them into who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow.

It’s about accepting and loving ALL of you.

Imagine re-experiencing how that child-like ease and joy feels in your body and in your spirit. To wake up ready to have fun with the curiosity of an explorer, excited to discover something new or create it yourself.

Play enlivens and re-energizes you. It sparks creativity and imagination.

Engaging in joyful experiences actually invites in more solutions to your day-to-day challenges. You often end up getting MORE done BECAUSE you allowed yourself time to play.

Your inner child is ready and waiting for you to play with them.

If you’re ready to tap into your inner child’s natural capacity for creativity, fun and play so you can enjoy life more and have more joy in your life, I invite you to join my NEW program called Let Your Inner Child Out To Play.✨ We begin Monday February 28, 2022.

Click here for all the details.
See you on the playground!