In a world with so much to fear, so much to worry about, and so many problems to solve, how can you find happiness?

Happiness and fear are emotions. Emotions are caused by the thoughts you think, and how you feel feed the thoughts you’re thinking. It’s a back and forth loop where one affects the other. The good news is, your thoughts and emotions are two things you’re able to control.

You might be saying, “Well my internal thoughts are directed by external events which are outside my control.” But it’s how you respond to external factors that affect how you feel.

For instance, if the news of the new Covid variant has you feeling panicked because you’re thinking, “What if I get it?”, you’re projecting your thoughts into the future and the future is filled with unknowns. What if you don’t get it? The chance could be the same yet, as humans, we tend to focus on the negatives.

I’m not saying that the answer is to maintain a positive attitude and that will solve everything. The reality is, people are getting sick and some are dying.

What I’m suggesting is to shift yourself out of the unknown into the known.

Here’s what I mean…

Take three long, slow, deep breaths then tune into your heart and come into the present moment. Ask your heart to answer the following questions and listen for the reply. (Notice when you slip back into your head and give yourself a moment to shift back into your heart.)

Is what I fear MY current reality, in this moment?
What is true for me right now?
Am I safe right now?
Do I have everything I need in this very moment?
What do I need to know right now?

Sit with the feeling that in this moment all is well.

Then let your heart answer the following:

One thing I could do right now is….
One thing I could do today is…
One thing I could do this week is…
Another thing I could do is…

When you come into your heart and into the moment, you have access to a wisdom that your fearful mind cannot access. It’s from this loving place that you’ll find answers to, and more solutions for, the problems you wish to solve.

The present offer presents if you’re present. 😉

Give it a try.

If you’d like help creating a heartfully happy business and life, here are three ways you and I can work together.