Whether you want something specific in your life or business or you simply want to create an overall more joyful experience, here are three steps to help you make it your reality:
Step 1: Believe
In order to have what you want, you must first believe you can have it. Do you?
If you’re filled with doubt and scepticism (even if you have a little bit of it), you’re holding yourself back from that which you desire therefore nothing changes, which adds to your doubt and disbelief. Which means that in order to get it, you’ll have to work hard simply to overcome the obstacle you’ve placed within yourself. And if you believe hard work is what it takes, then so be it.
Believing – truly believing – that you deserve it, can have it, and that it’s possible for you eases the resistance. The more you believe it’s possible, the more probable it will be simply because you’ll begin to take aligned and inspired action toward it.
When your beliefs and actions are aligned with who you are and what you want, things naturally get easier because you’re in alignment with your true self.
Think of one thing you desire and tune into how you’ll feel when it comes to fruition. It’s not about what you want, it’s about how you want to feel. Align with that feeling, see how it’s already present in your life and ask yourself, “What would be a fun way to have more of that?” What do you hear in response?
Step 2: Trust
Once you believe you can have what you desire, trust it can be so.
This is a hard step for most people because you feel you can’t trust something to be true until you have proof of it. “I believe I deserve more money but I’m not seeing it in my bank account,” which puts you back into a state of disbelief and feeling you’re doing something wrong or need to work harder in order to get it.
Tune into your heart. Release the resistance of any disbelief and feel into how you want to feel then look for your next aligned action. Trust you’re doing it right and that it’s on its way.
Change doesn’t usually happen overnight. And you may even feel like you’re being “tested” by the Universe. I look at these tests as the Universe’s way of allowing you to grow stronger in your conviction. You’ve asked for something more and you’re being offered situations to define and clarify your desire.
Believe you deserve it and trust your desire. It’s yours for a reason. Stay in aligned action.
Btw, “action” can mean not doing anything until you feel absolutely clear on what your next step is. Don’t let your ego beat you up during these times of seeming inaction. Things are brewing. Keep tuning into your heart. Listen to your body’s needs. Believe and trust and one day you’ll wake up inspired to act.
Step 3: Know
Once you believe you can have what you desire, are taking aligned action and trusting it will be so, you move into a different state of being. You move into a state of knowing.
You know in your heart, your soul, your bones that all is as it should be. That everything happens FOR you.
You know you are fully supported (even when it doesn’t feel like you are). You see evidence all around you that you have everything you need when you need it.
You know that life has seasons and you know that when you live in alignment to your natural rhythms, you are in flow and life is easy and joyful.
You know who you are and trust the whispers of your heart and the wisdom of your soul.
Tune into your heart and ask, “What do I know to be true?”
Believe in yourself.
Trust your inner guidance.
Know life loves you.
If you need any help, I’m here for you. Let’s chat.