Lately I’ve been having a hard time deciding where I want to put to my energy.
I love all aspects of my business – coaching and copywriting – so sometimes I have a hard time deciding which I should be putting my focus on.
Do you ever feel like that?
I mean there are so many ways you can help your clients, right?
Even if you’re new in business, it can be paralyzing trying to figure out where to start.
The problem I’ve found is that in my mental turmoil to decide what to do next, I often end up not doing much of anything. (Which to be honest creates more overwhelm and procrastination.)
So I sat down, got quiet and thought, “Okay, what is the bottom-line single thing I want for my clients? If I could only give them one thing, what would it be?”
Here’s what it came down to:
My intention for my work is that my clients each get better in touch with what they want out of life and go away with some tools to help them do it.
Why did I only say “life” and not “business” too? Because if you’re like most of my clients, your life and business breathe the same air. And let’s be honest, you’re doing your business to have a better life, right?
In a nut shell, regardless of whether I’m talking about finding your heart purpose, or writing a killer About Page, or retreats in Italy, or monetizing your content…my ultimate goal is to encourage you to believe in yourself so you own your value and all you have to offer to the world.
Because YOU have something AWESOME to offer that no-one else does. Never forget that.
If you too have been in stall-mode, and even if you’ve been buzzing happily along, I invite you today to take a few moments, sit down with a cup of tea, your favourite journal and pen and consider:
What is the bottom-line single thing I want for my clients?
If I could only give them one thing, what would it be?
Then ask:
What is the bottom-line single thing I want for myself?
If I could only give myself one thing, what would it be?
You deserve to be heartfully happy in business and life.
Getting to the core of your desires will help to keep you grounded when confusion and overwhelm set in AND keep you focussed on the prize when things are really taking off.
Most of all, it can be your compass on your journey to creating a life and business that fits who you are.
You’ve got this!
…and I’m here to support you when you feel like you don’t. ❤️