Who or what is The Soul Collective?
The Soul Collective, or Universal Intelligence, is your higher wisdom – your inner being's loving voice — and everyone else's too because, at a Soul level, we're all connected.
The wisdom of The Soul Collective is available to everyone, yet most of us aren't tuned-in enough to hear it. However, with practice, anyone can access this truth voice. I've practiced, and it's helped me let go of old stories and self-sabotaging thoughts and confidently create my dream life. Because of my connection with my own Soul, and that which I've come to know as The Soul Collective, I feel guided every step of the way. I now remember, know, and trust who I am at heart.
Like Love Notes From Your Soul, these messages are Love Letters From Your Soul; a bit longer and just as loving and wise.
The Soul Collective says, "We are a collective of beings on your planet, past and present. We come with a higher wisdom and a higher perspective for the challenges that you are currently facing. We are here to help you realize the deeper part of who you are so you can express yourselves fully and live to your full potential."
Enjoy! ❤️
Higher Perspective From The Soul Collective
We all want more abundance –– an abundance of good health, more wealth, meaningful, loving relationships, and an abundance of freedom, joy and happiness. So why is it so hard to achieve?
In this 30-minute downloadable audio recording, hear The Soul Collective's higher perspective on:
- how to attract your deepest desires
- how to set the intention for what you really want
- "drop a pin" on your desire map
- what to do when you feel stuck
- the most important thing to pay attention to
INCLUDES a guided meditation to deepen your experience of abundance.
PLUS, you'll also receive a full written .pdf transcript of the recording to support your understanding.
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