Here's my "official" bio:
Carolin Rathbun is a channel of Universal Source wisdom known as The Soul Collective, providing spiritual guidance to a global community of seekers, way-showers, and those looking for answers to the questions, Who am I? Why am I here? What's my purpose?
Carolin says, "I love tapping into Source wisdom and being able to clearly share what our Souls want us to know. In this time of great change on our planet, where fear and confusion are prevalent, The Soul Collective offers a guiding light that brings us back to our truth so we can make choices from a place of love.”
A life coach with training and certifications from Robert Holden, Mike Dooley, Martha Beck, Brené Brown, Michael Bernard Beckwith, and Simon Sinek, Carolin is also a writer and author of Love Notes From Your Soul: Whispers, wisdom and loving nudges to help you connect with your inner voice.
Carolin offers spiritual guidance and practical tools to connect you with your inner wisdom, so you have the courage to follow your heart and create a life better than you've dared dream possible.
Join Carolin and The Soul Collective as they guide you to experience the freedom and joy of a heart-led, Soul-aligned life.
Now let me tell you about my journey...
I never set out to be a channel (let alone admit it publicly).
I was a typical mom raising a family in middle-class suburbia. Little did I know my life would take a turn and set me on this path.
Feeling very lost, I desperately wanted spiritual help, and I got it — from my Soul — and my life completely transformed.
Implementing this wisdom has helped me shed layers of conditioned and negative beliefs.
I've gone from being a shy, stay-at-home mom afraid to step outside my comfort zone to becoming an entrepreneur, and now, a channel of Source wisdom living my lifelong dream of traveling the world indefinitely, allowing my heart and Soul to lead the way. And I've never been happier, more sure of, or free to be myself.

Your heart is the doorway to your Soul.
The more you live in alignment with your heart and Soul, the happier you are.
The more you trust your inner wisdom, the easier life gets.
Sounds simple, but it isn’t — or we’d all be happy, all the time.
Life is complicated and busy.
And change is hard.
Yet, if you have a dream in your heart and are yearning for something more, better or different, it’s a sign your Soul is nudging you forward.
It takes courage to follow your heart. Sometimes more courage than you’ve needed before.
I promise you this…
When you say Yes to your heart and let your Soul guide the way, life gets easier because you’re living in alignment with who you really are.
Your Soul is always speaking.
However, if you're like most people, your life is too noisy to hear your Soul's voice. And, if you do, you second-guess and don't trust it.
I can hear your Soul, mine, and everyone else's. Our collective Souls speak through me, using my voice to transmit their higher perspective on the challenges we face today.
The Soul Collective shares what they'd like us to know at this time of significant change and awakening on our planet to help us transition into a more loving, peaceful, harmonious, and joyful life experience.

I've created a life beyond anything I dreamed possible.
The same can be true for you because that's what happens when you follow your Soul's guidance.
Your Soul and The Soul Collective are speaking.
Join me and hear the wisdom and guidance meant for YOU.