In your heart you feel your purpose calling, yet you can't seem to find it.
Each of us has one singular driving purpose. It's your inner essence; the basis of who you are and how you show up for people, naturally.
This is your inner gift and the reason people are attracted to YOU — a reason they can't put into words.
But once you know it, everything changes.
Allow me to take you on a journey, a treasure hunt, where together we'll uncover your soul's guidebook and discover your one and only Why — your heart purpose.
“Thank you for your assistance and encouragement in revealing my Heart Purpose. I found our session together extremely useful and insightful. I was finally able to "see the forest for the trees" and for this, I sit in gratitude for you.
Since our session I continue to marinate in my “heart purpose statement”, testing it in various scenarios and memories. I am happy to say that it resonates powerfully with me and perception of self. Remain blessed!”
Rachael Abah
Finding Your Heart Purpose opens your heart and let's you see who you really are
It helps you hear what your Soul's been trying to tell you and how it's been guiding you through the wisdom of your heart. It helps you align with and stay aligned to your heart’s desires.
Finding Your Heart Purpose is your
Rear-View Mirror, Anchor & Compass

Finding your heart purpose shows you who you are at your heart and soul, validating why you felt good or bad about your life experiences. It helps you let go of past hurts that are still affecting you today.

Finding your heart purpose grounds you in who you really are and what you truly offer, well beyond your tasks, jobs, titles and roles. It offers a new perspective and awareness of your natural gifts. It allows you to see and accept who you are at your heart; the perfection you were born to be.

Finding your heart purpose helps you to stay in alignment with who you truly are because the process reveals what YOU need to have in place in order to continuously show up as your best self and how to rebalance when things feel off track.
Finding Your Heart Purpose is key to being heartfully happy in business and life
“Carolin, Thank you so much for your presence, focused listening and gifted synthesis. I got a great deal out of the process and I’m thrilled with the heart purpose statement. …I think it’s going to be transformational for me and my work – and even just my “being”.
It was a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to our next encounter."
Sue Reynolds
The Finding Your Heart Purpose Discovery Session is a powerful process that reflects back to you who you really are — a You you can’t see for yourself.
Entrepreneur? Your business was born in your heart, therefore, if you want a heartfully happy business, it must align with your heart purpose. Plus, this process reveals marketing language that magnetically attracts your dream clients.
Finding your heart purpose is vital to creating a business and life that feels good, fits who you are and grows with you.
Finding Your Heart Purpose allows you to:

Honour who you naturally are; your inner essence

Express yourself from a place of self-acceptance

Activate your inner knowing

Realize your natural gifts

Trust and own your truth; who you are at your heart
Finding Your Heart Purpose Discovery Session is a 3-part process
How it works:
Part 1:
The Finding Your Heart Purpose Discovery Session is a private, confidential 1:1 meeting. We’ll meet virtually over Zoom for 75 minutes where you’ll share specifically curated stories from your life. (You’ll receive instructions for how to do this at time of booking — it’s really easy and won’t take long).
Part 2:
You’ll have a 75-minute break while I sift through your stories to uncover the golden nuggets hidden within each. I'll craft a succinct statement that reflects your heart purpose, including a personalized strategy that will help you remain in alignment with it.
Part 3:
We’ll hop back on Zoom for 30 minutes when I’ll reveal what I've found. There will be plenty of time to answer your questions as you take in the information and see how it feels.
“I was getting overwhelmed trying to work on the message of me when I decided to take you up on the offer of being my mentor to the Finding Your Heart Purpose process. You are right; it is hard to do it for oneself.
Uncovering my heart purpose with you has made me more grounded in who I am and what I can do. Following, I dreamt of a target market that opened up a workshop idea. Actually, the points that you gave towards 'how I stand for my heart purpose' is the message of me that I was trying to discover for myself. I am so appreciative of that. It brings up emotion of validation that I desperately needed from someone that sees me.
Finding my heart purpose has expanded my capacity for what I can offer and to whom I can offer it to. Thank you very much for finding the thread that connects parts of me that stayed out of my awareness. Full steam ahead!”
Marla Hickerson
How Long Have You Been Searching For Your Purpose?
“I doubt there has ever been a single person who has not pondered their role in this life, but the tools for helping tease out the elements of that puzzle are not easy to come by. Carolin has a unique approach to this question, one that makes the answers both accessible and authentic. It is an approach honed by her own life experience and by her lengthy and continuous training in this field of inquiry.
I found the process to be both challenging and rewarding, and I am grateful for Carolin’s ability to pull together the threads of a life as told to her, and to weave them into a solid statement of that life’s purpose.
My own work … has benefitted from this direct and unambiguous understanding of who I am and why I am here. Carolin, thank you!”
Beth Girard
Most people spend years looking for their purpose — the one thing they can do that will make them feel fulfilled.
You can't and won't find your purpose outside of you. And you don't have one purpose for one thing and a different purpose for another.
Your purpose is NOT your:
- family
- work
- relationships
- volunteer jobs
Let's say, for example, that your purpose was the career you created, then one day, you lose your job or retire. What's your purpose now? Or if you thought your purpose was your family, what happens when your kids move out? This is why so many people feel lost and rudderless amid life change; they don't know who they are when what they thought was their purpose ends. They're left to search again.
When you know your Heart Purpose, you remain grounded amid change. If you lose your job, change careers, retire, divorce, your kids move out, or your partner passes on, you still know who you are.
You take your purpose with you into the next chapter of your life.
Your purpose — your SINGLE purpose, your higher purpose, your Heart Purpose — is not something you do. It's something YOU ARE.
Knowing your Heart Purpose is knowing yourself and the gifts you bring to the world just by being YOU.
You only have ONE purpose, and you bring it to every job, every relationship, and every encounter.
Your Heart Purpose is your inner essence. You can't see it yourself because it's part of your innate being.
Yet, your life has left a trail of evidence — a golden thread woven throughout it. Only someone trained to find it can do so AND decipher its meaning.
Finding your Heart Purpose is like holding up a mirror and seeing your Soul looking back.
It's as though you see yourself for the first time, yet recognize who you've always been.
It's like coming home to yourself.
When you know your Heart Purpose, you consciously create a life aligned with who you are.
...and there's no greater freedom and joy than being authentically YOU, bringing all of you to all you do.