What does your Soul want you to know?

Channeled spiritual guidance + down-to-earth tools for a global community of seekers and those who know there's more to life

Connect with the whispers of your Soul. Get a year of daily Love Notes From Your Soul delivered to your inbox one warm hug at a time and completely FREE!

How would it feel to fully love your life?

  • To know you can be and have all youve ever wanted?
  • To be happy because youre following your hearts desires?
  • To wake up one day and realize that what was once your dream is now your ongoing reality?

That’s what happens when you live a heart-led, Soul-aligned life.

Join me as I guide you to remember your potential, live your higher purpose, and become who you’ve always known you are deep down in your heart of hearts.

Anything is possible
when you know how to get out of your own way

Hi There!

I'm Carolin Rathbun, channel of The Soul Collective, a life coach and writer.

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed.

We’ve learned to be fearful and cautious. To doubt ourselves and second-guess our intuition. To trust our head far more than our heart.

Yet if your heart isnt happy, neither are you.

If you want something more and are looking for answers to questions like — Who am I? Why am I here? What's my purpose?Welcome! You're in the right place.

It's time to remember your truth and live it wholeheartedly.

    You’re on a journey of discovering who you really are and all you came here to be and do.

    You know life has more to offer and you’re seeking higher guidance.

    Your Soul (your inner being) knows who you are, everything you desire and have ever dreamed of. It also knows your fears, doubts and ALL the ways you hold yourself back.

    Your Soul knows the quickest, easiest and most fulfilling path to the life you’ve always imagined.

    Who better to ask for guidance than your Soul?

    Feel the Freedom and Joy of a Heart-Led, Soul-Aligned Life

    At a Soul level, we're all connected.

    Each Soul is part of a collective of Souls, a cosmic council ready to guide you on your journey if you can hear their guidance. (I can.)

    The wisdom I channel from The Soul Collective is both individual and broad, deeply personal, yet applicable to all.

    What is channeling?

    Channeling is tuning into a higher frequency then translating the information received, like tuning a dial on a radio. Want to hear jazz? Tune the dial to FM91.1. Pop? FM104.

    I'm tuned into the Soul station. Not soul music, though the wisdom I channel will have you dancing!

    I channel a higher perspective from The Soul Collective so you can clearly hear what YOUR Soul wants YOU to know.

    Every message offers clarity, peace and easy-to-follow practices to help you flourish and thrive in a chaotic and ever-changing world.


    Who or What is The Soul Collective?

    "We are here, at this time, through this channel, Carolin, so you and all others who are ready to create your best life experience can hear our guidance clearly."

    The Soul Collective says,

    “Each of you has a higher consciousness, the truth of who you are — the voice of your Soul, your inner being, your inner guide, Universal wisdom, Source intelligence, whatever you wish to call it; the higher part of you who knows who you truly are.   >>

    This part of you, this pure being within yourself who is the You who thinks your thoughts, the consciousness that lasts beyond your last breath, the Soul that never dies... this is who we are.   >>

    "Every Soul is connected to one another through the oneness of all that is.

    While every Soul is connected, YOUR Soul knows what YOU want.   >>

    "Every Soul speaks the same language. We remind you of your truth.

    We reconnect you with your inner power and your inner knowing so you come home to yourself. You come home to a place of love that resides within you, the purest part of you. >>

    "We are here to help you remove your blocks and blinders, your shields of protection, and help you step into a greater, more loving, more free and joyful experience.   >>

    "Your time is NOW to create a life you love. 

    We hear you asking.
    We are here to guide the way.”

    ~ The Soul Collective

    "We offer a higher perspective, plus tools and practices to help you get out of your own way and live your life beyond your greatest expectations."


    Discover How To
    Consciously Create The Life You've Always Imagined


    Stay inspired! Get the latest wisdom and guidance from The Soul Collective. It's time to remember your truth and activate your potential to master every area of your life.

    New to channeling? Start here.


    Broaden and deepen your growth with live and on-demand courses designed to support you where you are and ease your journey to where you want to go and who you want to be.


    What does YOUR Soul want YOU to know?
    Book a private session with Carolin and The Soul Collective.

    Release confusion, doubt and uncertainty with clear and loving guidance that feels right for YOU.


    Your dreams are yours for a reason.

    Let’s bring your deepest desires to life with practical actions that are Soulfully aligned.

    Your Soul's greatest wish for you:

    • accept who you are without fear of judgement
    • trust your inner wisdom without doubt
    • reach your potential without holding back
    • fulfill your dreams and desires without guilt
    • live your life now without risk of regret

    ...and love yourself unconditionally, as your Soul loves you

    Let go of fear, worry, doubt and regret

    Create a life better than you’ve dared dream possible

    What people are saying…

    "Carolin’s presence is both warm and professional. The message you receive will come from the place where your higher self and her higher self meet. You will recognize the truth of who you are.  You will know where to put your focus.  Your reading will be both practical and loving. I find my readings with Carolin to be both enlightening and reassuring. I highly recommend you allow yourself the gift of Carolin’s spiritual coaching.”

    Karen Gibbons
    Gabriola Island, BC, Canada

    "I wasn’t sure just what to expect from a channelling session with Carolin. Although I had done mediumship readings for strangers, years ago, I didn’t grasp the difference. Wow vive la difference! The comforting words, the insight and the pace of the advice just poured out of Carolin, or rather Carolin was a tool to the souls out there who offered me absolutely spot on advice to my deepest concerns and gave me a perspective I would have never have arrived at. The session clarified for me exactly what I should be doing with my time, energy and resources for my own good, and the good of those who share this life with me. Do yourself a favour and book a session with Carolin and find peace of mind."

     Mary Anne Wollison
    Ontario, Canada

    “I doubt there has ever been a single person who has not pondered their role in this life, but the tools for helping tease out the elements of that puzzle are not easy to come by. Carolin has a unique approach to this question, one that makes the answers both accessible and authentic. It is an approach honed by her own life experience and by her lengthy and continuous training in this field of inquiry. I found the process to be both challenging and rewarding, and I am grateful for Carolin’s ability to pull together the threads of a life as told to her, and to weave them into a solid statement of that life’s purpose. My own work …  has benefitted from this direct and unambiguous understanding of who I am and why I am here. Carolin, thank you!”

    Beth Girard

    “It was a delight to work with Carolin, channel of the Soul Collective. I felt at ease and supported during our session. They opened with a sharing of wisdom and relevant insight and then invited me to ask questions. I took away new practices for dropping into my heart, confirmation, and perspective around areas I am currently navigating. It is an honor to recommend having a session with Carolin!”

    Sally Arnold, RN, BSN, MA

    "Carolin, Thank you so much for your presence, focused listening and gifted synthesis. I got a great deal out of the process and I’m thrilled with the heart purpose statement.  …I think it’s going to be transformational for me and my work – and even just my “being”.It was a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to our next encounter."

    Sue Reynolds

    “My experience with Carolin was AMAZING!  I immediately felt calm, peaceful and safe with her. I left the session inspired and full of hope for a situation that I was dealing with. I highly recommend a session with Carolin if you want more peace and clarity in your life.”

    Teri R.
    Washington, DC

    “Learning to access and trust the wisdom of the heart is invaluable, and something that can be used at any time, in any circumstance. Learning about what I allow to stand in the way of realizing my hopes and dreams strengthens the likelihood that I will achieve them. I am grateful to Carolin for providing the tools to do these things, and for the generosity and keen insight that went into the designing of this program.”

    Make THIS your BEST chapter yet!

    Gentle reminders and loving nudges to help you remember and trust who you really are.

    Get a year of daily Love Notes From Your Soul delivered to your inbox one warm hug at a time and completely FREE!

    It's Time to Be ALL You Really Are!

    Happy, Eager and Ready to Fully Love Your Life


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